Non-PD Songs
Here are ~750 songs which you may - incorrectly - assume are Public Domain. They aren't. Not yet.
8 More Miles to Louisville (1946)
15 More Miles to Birmingham (r 1939)
50 Miles of Elbow Room (1930)
500 Miles
Abilene (1960)
Across the Alley from the Alamo
Adam & Eve (r 1930)
A Great Storm Pass Over (c 1929)
Ain't No Grave Hold My Body Down (r 1947)
Ain't She Sweet? (1927)
The Alabama Flood (1929)
Alabamy Bound (1925)
Alimony (r 1951)
A Picture on the Wall (18927)
All Go-Hungry Hash House (1928)
All I Got's Gone (r 1924)
All I Have to Do is Dream (1958)
All My Exes Live in Texas (1986)
Altoona Freight Wreck (>1925)
Amanda (1972)
Amelia Earhart's Last flight (1939)
A Nation Once Again (r 1967)
Another Man Done Gone (1940)
Any Old Time (1929)
Apple Picker's Reel (1968)
Aragon Mill
Are You Afraid to Die? (early 1950s)
Are You Teasing Me?
Arkansas Traveler (1851)
Ashes of Love (1951)
Ashokan Farewell
The Auctioneer (1959)
Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party (1867)
The Auctioneer
Aura Lee (1861)
Avalon Blues (1963)
Babe, It Ain't No Lie (?)
Back in the Saddle Again (1939)
Back to Jericho (r 1931)
Backwater Blues (1927)
Balm in Gilead (1853)
Baltimore Fire (1929)
Banana Boat Song (?)
Bang Lulu (r 1936)
Banks of Marble (1949)
Banjo Picking Girl (r 1938)
Barney McCoy (r 1927)
Barnyard Serenade (r 1928)
Bathe in that Beautiful Pool (r 1929)
Bay of Mexico (rec 1936)
Beans, Bacon & Gravy (>1931)
Before They Close the Minstrel Show (1971)
Being a Pirate (1985)
Bendemere's Stream (1911)
Beware Young Ladies (1931)
Beyond the Sunset (1950)
Big Iron
Big John (1961)
Big Leg Blues (1964)
Big (Deep) River Blues (r 1933)
Billy the Kid (1927)
Biscuits (r 1936)
Black & White
Blackberry Blossom (r 1935)
Black, Brown, & White Blues (1946)
Black-Eyed Susie (1933)
Black Moountain Rag
Black Snake Moan (?>1927)
Black Waters (1968)
Blow Your Whistle, Freight Train (r 1935)
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain (1945)
Bluefield Murder
Blue Moon of Kentucky (1947)
Blue Railroad Train (r 1933)
The Blues Come Around (1947)
Blues in a Bottle (r 1928)
Blue Suede Shoes (1955)
Boil That Cabbage Down (r 1924)
Bonaparte's Retreat (r 1936)
Boot-Scooting Boogie (1991)
Born in Hard Luck (r 1927)
Boston Burglar (r 1925)
Bouquet of Roses (1948)
Bourgouis Blues
Bowling Green (rec 1947)
Bow Wow Blues (r 1927)
The Boy that Lives Here
Bring It with You When You Come (r 1928)
Bringing in the Georgia Mail (r 1947)
Bring Me a Little Water, Silvy (1936)
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?
Brown Eyes (~1930)
Brown's Ferry Blues (r 1933)
Buckdancer's Choice (r 1926)
Bulldog Down in Sunny Tennessee (r 1925)
Bully of the Town (r 1927)
Bury Me Beneath the Willow (r 1927)
Burning of the Cleveland School (1923)
Busted (1962)
Buttons & Bows (1948)
Bye & Bye I'm Going to See the King (r 1929)
Bye, Bye Love (1957)
California Blues (1928)
Callahan's Reel (r 1924)
Camptown Races (1850)
Candy Kisses
The Cannonball (1930)
Carry Me back to Old Virginia (1934)
The Cattle Call (1930s)
Cat's Got the Measles.. (r 1929)
Cement Octopus (1964)
Charming Bill (r 1927)
Chased Old Satan (1931)
Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy (1950)
Cherry Ball Blues (r 1931)
Chesapeake bay (r 1937)
Chevrolet Car (r 1928)
Chewing Gum (1928)
Chicken on a Raft
Chitlin' Cooking Time in Cheatham County (r 1936)
Choclate Ice Cream Cone (r 1950)
The Christian Life
Church in the Wildwood (r 1932)
Cielito Lindo (1929)
City of New Orleans
Cocaine (r 1929)
Cocaine Habit Blues (r 1930)
Coffee Blues (1963)
Cold, Cold Heart (1950)
Columbus Stockade Blues (1927)
Common Bill (r 1927)
Conversation with Death
CooCoo Bird (r 1929)
Cool Water (1936)
Coon from Tennessee (r 1927)
Copper Kettle (1953)
Cotton Mill Colic (1930)
Country Blues (r 1927)
Courting in the Rain
Cowboy Night Herd Song (r 1937)
Crash of the Akron
Crazy (1961)
Crazy Cause I Love You (r 1946)
Crossed Old Jordan's Stream (r 1931)
Cyclone of Rye Cover (1930)
Cypress Grove Blues (1965)
Dallas Rag (r 1927)
Darcy Farrow
Dark & Stormy Weather (r 1935)
The Days of My Childhood Play (r 1928)
Dear Okie (1948)
Death of Floyd Collins (1925)
Deep Settled Peace (1928)
The Democratic Donkey (c1936)
Detour (1945)
Devlish Mary (r 1928)
Diamonds in the Rough (r 1929)
Digging Up Bones (1985)
Dirty Old Town
Divorce Me COD (r 1944)
Dog House Blues (r 1940)
Doing Wrong Feels So Right (1972)
Dominique (? -1964)
Done Laid Around (1958)
Don't Be Cruel (1958)
Don't Bring Lulu (1925)
Don't Fence Me In (r 1944)
Don't Foreget Me Little Darling
Don't Get Weary Children (r 1934)
Don't Leave Me here (r 1935)
Don't Let My Rambling Bother Your Mind (r 1939)
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright (1963)
Down South Blues (r 1923)
Down with the Old Canoe (1938)
Dream of the Miner's Child (1925)
Drinking Wine – Spo-Dee-O-Dee (r 1937)
Drink It Up Men (r 1967)
Dry Bones (r 1928)
Dry Well Blues (>1930)
Duck Shoes Rag (1930)
Dude Ranch Cowhands (1939)
Duncan & Brady (1890?)
Dust My Broom (r 1936)
Dying Crapshooters Blue's (r 1935)
Early Morning Rain (1974)
East Virginia (1927)
Eighth of January (r 1930)
Empty Bed Blues (r 1928)
England Swings (1965)
Ethan Lang (r 1928)
Everybody Works but Father (r 1926)
Everybody Does It in Hawaii (1929)

Faded Coat of Blue (r 1934)
Faded Love (1950)
Farewell Blues (1920s)
Farmer Gray (r 1938)
Fatal Wreck of the Bus (>1935)
Fate of Rhoda Sweeten
Fate of Will Rogers & Wiley Post (>1935)
The Fields Have All Turned Brown (r 1949)
Fields of Athenry
Fifty Miles of Elbow Room (r 1930)
Fingerprints Upon the Windowpane
Fisherman's Luck (r 1937)
Flood of 1927
Fly Around, My Pretty Little Miss (r 1928)
Foggy Mountain Breakdown (r 1950)
Foggy Mountain Top (r 1929)
Folsom Prison Blues (1956)
For All the Good People (r 1987)
For the Good Times (1968)
Four Green Fields (1968)
Fox Chase (r 1924)
France Blues (rec 1927)
Franklin Blues (r 1926)
Franklin D Roosevelt's Back Again (1936)
Freight Train Blues (r 1924)
From Jerusalem to Jericho (r 1925)
The Frozen Girl (r 1933)
Frozen Logger (1951)
Fugitive's Lament (1935)
Gambling Polka Dot Blues (r 1932)
G Burns Gonna Rise Again (r 1928)
Gentle on MY Mind (1967)
Georgia Black Bottom (?)
Get Along Home, Cindy (1928)
Get Up & Go (1964)
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan (1947)
Girl on the Greenbriar Shore (r 1935)
Give Me Back My 5 Dollars (r 1938)
Go Along Mule (1925)
God Moves on the Water (r 1929)
Going Back to Jericho (r 1927)
Going to German (r 1928)
Gold Watch & Chain (r 1934)
Gonna Lay Down My Old Guitar (r 1933)
Gonna Quit Drinking When I Die (r 1930)
Goodbye Little bonnie (r 1927)
Good-Hearted Woman (1971)
Gospel Ship (r 1935)
Gotta Travel On (1958)
Got the Blues, Just Can't Be Satisfied (1964)
Grand Coulee Dam (1958)
Granny, Will Your Dog Bite? (r 1930)
Gray Funnel Line
Greasy Greens (1950?)
Great Atomic Power (1952)
Great Speckled Bird (1937)
Greenback Dollar (r 933)
Greenfields (1960?)
Green Green Grass of Home (1965)
Green Rolling Hills of W. Va. (1973)
Gypsy Rover (1950s)
The Half Ain't Never Been Told (r 1926)
Hallelujah Side (r 1926)
Hannah, Won't You Open that Door (r 1927)
Happy Trails to You (1951)
Hard Time Killing Floor Blues (1931)
Hard Traveling (1946)
Hawkins Rag (r 1934)
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? (1945)
Heartaches By the Number (1959)
Heave Away Santy Ano (1962)
Heavenly Light is Shining on Me (r 1939)
Heebe Jeebes (1925)
He'll Have to Go (1959)
Hellbound Train (r 1928)
Hello, Mary Lou (1960)
Hello Stranger (r 1935)
Help Me Make It Through the Night (1970)
He's Coming to Us Dead (r 1927)
He's Got Better Things for You (r 1929)
He's In the Jailhouse Now (r 1927)
Hey, Good Looking (1951)
Hey, Hey, Your Daddy's Mean & Blue (r 1927)
High Noon (1950)
High on a Mountain
High Water Everywhere (1927)
Hobo Bill's Last Ride (r 1929)
Hobo's Meditation (1933
Homestead on the Farm (r 1929)
Home, Sweet Home (1933)
Honky Tonk Blues (1948)
Honky Tonkin' (1947)
House of David Blues (? r 1937)
House of the Rising Sun (1937)
How Long? (r 1928)
How Many Biscuits Can I Eat? (r 1939)
Hymn Song (1973)
I Believe in You (1980)
I Belong to the Band (r 1935)
I Can't Feel at Home in this World Anymore (r 1938)
I Can't Help It if I'm Still in Love with You (1951)
I Can't Stop Loving You (1958)
I Fall to Pieces (1960)
If I Had a Hammer (1949)
If I Had My Way, I'd Tear this Building Down (r 1927)
If the Devil Danced in Empty Pockets (1989)
If the Light Has Gone Out in Your Soul (1929)
I Get the Blues When It Rains (r 1939)
I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly
I Heard the Voice of a Porkchop (r 1928)
I Learned about Women from Her (r 1930)
I'll Be All Smiles Tonight (r 1934)
I'll Never Get Drunk Anymore (r 1927)
I'll Remember You, Love in My Prayers (r 1939)
I'm a Free Born Man
I'm Bound to Ride (r 1937)
I'm Gonna Tell on You (1970)
I'm Here to Get My Baby Out of Jail (1936)
I'm My Own Grandpa (1947)
I'm Rolling On (?)
I'm Satisfied (1963)
I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry (1949)
I'm the Man that Rode the Mule Around the World (r 1925)
I'm Thinking Tonight of My Blue Eyes (r 1935)
I Never Cried (r 1929)
In Tarrytown (1950)
In the Jailhouse Now (r 1928)
Intoxicated Rat (r 1936)
Ira Hayes (1962)
I Saw a Man at the Close of Day
I Saw the Light (1948)
Isle au Haut Lullaby
In Heaven, There is No Beer (1956)
I've Got a Tiger By the Tail (1964)
I've Got Spurs that Jingle, Jangle, Jingle (1942
I've Got the Chain Store Blues (1930))
I've Learned a Lot about Women (r 1938)
I Walk the Line (1956)
I Want to be a Cowboy's Sweetheart (1925)
I Wish I Was a Mole in the Ground (r 1928)
I Wish I Were Back in Liverpool
I Wonder When I'll Ever Get to Be Called a Man?
I Wouldn't Change You if I Could (1954)
I Wouldn't Mind Dying (r 1932)
Jacob's Ladder (1929)
Jambalaya (1952)
James Alley Blues (r 1927)
Jealous Heart (1944)
Jealous-Hearted Me (r 1935)
Jerry, Go & Ile that Car (1928)
Jesus Make Up My Dying Bed (r 1927)
Jesus Met the Woman at the Well (<1927)
Jimmie Brown, the Newsboy (r 1929)
Jimmie's Texas Blues (1929)
Johnny, Get Your Gun (late 1920's)
Johnson City Blues (r 1928)
Just Because (r 1929)
Just a Little Loving (1948)
Jute Mill Song (1923)
Kansas City Blues (r 1927)
KC Moan (r 1929)
Keeper of the Eddystone Light
Kenny Wagner's Surrender (1927)
Keno, the Rent Man (r 1929)
Kentucky Waltz (1946)
Kicking Up Dust (1966)
King of the Road (1964)
Kiss an Angel Good Morning (1971)
Kisses Sweeter Than Wine (w -1951)
Knocking on the Hen House Door (r 1937)
Ladies Auxiliary (1941)
Ladies on the Steamboat (r 19827)
Last Days in Georgia (~1929)
Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream (1950)
The Last Roundup (1933)
Last Scene of the Titanic (1927)
Last Word in Lonesome is Me (1965)
Lavender Cowboy
Leather Breeches (r 1930)
Leaving Home (r 1926)
Lee Highway (r 1929)
The Letter that Never Came ( r 1927)
Let Them Wear Their Watches Fine (1930)
The Liar (r 1927)
Liberty (r 1928)
Light My Fire (1968)

Little Black Train A-Comin (r 1928)
Little Boxes (1963)
Little Darling Pal of Mine (1928)
Little Girl & the Dreadful Snake (r late 1940s)
Little Mohea (? 1928)
Little Moses (r 1929)
Little Sadie (r 1929)
Lonesome Traveller (1950)
Lonesome Valley (1930)
Long Black Veil (r.1959)
Lord, I Hope this Day is Good (1981)
Lord, I Just Can't Keep from Crying (r 1928)
Lost Highway (1949)
Louis Collins (1963)
Mail Myself to You (1963)
Make the World Go Away (1963)
Mama Don't Allow... (~1929)
Mansion on the Hill(1947)
March Through the Streets of the City (r 1932)
Marianne (1956)
Mary Ann Regrets (1962)
McBeth Mine Explosion (1932)
Me and Bobby McGee (1969)
Mean Mama Blues (1931)
Memphis Flue (>1930)
Mercury Blues (1948)
Methodist Pie (1931)
Mexacali Rose (1923)
Midnight on the Stormy Deep (1928)
Milk Cow Blues (1934)
Milk 'em in the Morning Blues (1949)
Mighty Mississippi (r 1927)
Milenburg Joys (r 1927)
Mind Your Own Business (1949)
Minglewood Blues (r 1928)
Mingulay Boat Song (1938)
Mississippi Flood (1927)
Mississippi Heavy Water Blues (1927)
Mississippi Moon (1932)
Mississippi River Blues (1929)
Miss the Mississippi & You (1932)
Moaning the Blues (1950)
Mockingbird Hill (1949)
Mole in the Ground (1929)
Molly Put the Kettle On (r 1930)
Motherless Children (1927)
Mountain Dew (1928)
Mr. Johnson, Turn Me Loose (r 1927)
Muleskinner Blues (1930)
Murder of the Lawson Family (1930)
My Baby Done Changed the Lock on the Door (r 1950s)
My Bucket's Got a Hole in It (1933)
My Carolina Sunshine Girl (1929)
My Clinch Mountain Home (r 1929)
My Dirty Stream (1964)
My Get Up & Go (1964)
My Long Journey Home
My Oklahoma Home (1961)
My Old Pal of Yesterday (1929)
My Poodle Doodle Dog (r 1940)
My Rough & Rowdy Ways (r 1929)
My Son Calls Another Man Daddy (1949)
Mystery Train (r 1953)
My Sweet Love Ain't Around (1947)
Nashville Blues (r 1936)
Never Be as Fast as I Have Been (r 1929)
Never No Mo' (1928))
Nick Nack Song (r 1930)
Night Time in Nevada (1931
Night Rider's Lament
Nine Pound Hammer (r 1927)
Ninety Nine years (r 1932)
Nobody's Dirty Business (1964)
No Depression (r 1935)
No Disappointment in Heaven (r 1938)
No Hiding Place Down Here (r 1934)
Not a Word of That Be Said
Nothing Seems Better to Me
Now that the Buffalo's Gone
Oh Death
Ohio Prison Fire (>1930)
Okie from Muskogee (1969)
Oklahoma Hills (1945)
Old & Only in the Way (r 1928)
Old Black Choo Choo
Old Blue (1942)
Old Gospel Ship (?)
Old Joe Clark (1933)
Old Maid & the Burglar (r 1928)
Old Spinning Wheel (1930s)
The Old Triangle (r 1967)
One Dime Blues (r 1956)
One Man's Hands (1962)
One More River to Cross (r 1934)
One Piece at a Time (1976)
Only Our Rivers Run Free
On the Road Again (1979)
Orange Blossom Special (1938)
Otto Wood, the Bandit (1931)
Pack Up Your Sorrows (1964)
Pan American (1947)
The Panic is On (1931)
Pastures of Plenty (1960)
Pay Day (1963
Pay Day at Coal Creek (1938)
Peach Picking Time (1932)
People Are Scratching (1963)
Pick a Bale of Cotton (1930s)
Pistol Packing Mama (1942)
Place in the Choir (1979)
Plane Wreck at Los Gatos Canyon (1948)
Please Help Me, I'm Falling (1960)
Police Dog Blues (r 1929)
Pony Blues (1941)
Poor Man, Rich Man (1930)
Porto Rico Storm (>1928)
Preacher Got Drunk, Laid His Bible Down (r 1928)
Precious Lord (r 1937)
Pretty Bird (1974?)
Prisoner's Lament (r 1928)
The Pub with No Beer (r 1967)
Put It on the Ground (1947)
Ragged But Right (r 1934)
Railroad Blues (r 1920s)
Railroading & Gamblling (r 1938)
Railroading on the Great Divide (1952)
Rake & Rambling Boy
Rambling Boy (1963)
Rambling Man (1951)
Rattlesnakin' Daddy (r 1934)
Rattling Daddy (r 1936)
Red Jacket Mine Explosion (>1938)
Release Me (1954)
Richland Woman (1963)
Riders in the Sky (1949)
Riding Down the Canyon (1934)
Rockabye Baby in the Tree Top (1939)
Rocking Alone in an Old Rocking Chair (r 1939)
Rock Island Line (1934)
Rock Me Lord (1961)
Rock, Salt, & Nails
Rock That Cradle Lucy (r 1929)
Rocky Top (1967)
Rough & Rowdy Ways (1930)
Roll Along, Kentucky Moon (1932)
Roll Along, Prairie Moon (r 1935)
Roll On, Buddy (r 1928)
Roll On, Colombia (1940)
Roseville Fair
Rose of San Antone
Ruby, Are You Mad at Your Man?
Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town (1966)
Rueben James (1941)
Running Bear (1959)
Running Wild (>1923)
Ryecove Cyclone (1932)
Sad & Lonely Day (1935)
Sadie (?)
Salem's Bright King
Sail Away Ladies
Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea
Sailor's Alphabet
Sailor's Bonnett
Sailor's Hornpipe (1795)
Sailor's Return
Sailor's Way
Sally Ann (1918)
Sally Ann Johnson
Sally Cooper (?)
Sally Goodin
Sally, Let Your Bangs Hang Down
Saltpetre Shanty
Salt River
Salty Dog Rag
Same Old Man, Workin' at the Mill (?)
Sam Hall
Sandy River Belle
San Saba
Saro Jane (1887)
Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down
Say, Darling, Say
Say Old Man, Can You Play the Fiddle?
Scandalous & a Shame
Scarborough Fair (Child 2)
Scarborough Settler's Lament
The Scotland Man (<1916)
Scovill's Rolling Mill
Sail Away Ladies (1927)
Sailing Down My Golden River (1962)
Sales Tax on the Women

Salty Dog (r 1927)
Sammie's Bar (1963)
San Antonio Rose (1940)
San Francisco Bay Blues (1954)
Santa Barbara Earthquake (>1925)
Satisfied Mind (1955)
Scandalous & a Shame (r 1928)
See that My Grave is Kept Clean (r 1927)
Seventy Miles (1963)
She's Got the Money Too (r 1938)
She Tickles Me (r 1937)
Shine on Harvest Moon (r 1927)
Short Life of Trouble (r 1928)
Shut the Door, They're Coming Through the Window (1926)
Since that Black Cat Crossed My Path (r 1937)
Sioux Indians (1935)
Silver-Haired Daddy (1932)
Silver Threads & Golden Needles (1956)
Silver Threads Among the Gold (1934)
Sin Bound Train
Sitting on Top of the World ( 1930)
Six More Miles (1847)
Sixteen Tons (1947)
Skillet Good & Greasy
Smiles Are Made out of Sunshine
Snowbird (1970)
So Long, It's Been Good to Know You (1934)
Somebody's Tall & Handsome (r 1929)
Some Day You'll Want Me to Want You (1940)
Something's Always Sure to Tickle Me (r 1926)
The Soul of a Man (r 1930)
Southbound (>1985)
Southern Moon (r 1937)
Southern Rag (r 1927)
Southern Whoopee Song (r 1938)
South of the Border (1939)
South Wind (1960)
Sowing on the Mountain (r 1930)
Spring Hill Mine Disaster (1961)
Squid Jigging Ground (?)
Statesboro Blues (1928)
Steel Guitar Rag (r 1946)
Stepstone (r 1928)
Stern Old Bachelor (r 1938)
Storm that Struck Miami (>1926)
Storms Are on the Ocean (r 1927)
Stormy Weather (<1934)
Streets of London (1971)
Stewball (1933)
Sugar Babe, It's All Over Now (1968)
Sugar Hill (r 1929)
Suppertime (r early 1950s)
Survivor Leave (1982)
Sweet Jennie Lee (r 1935)
Sweet Roseanne (1960)
Sweet Rosie O'Grady (r 1928)
Sweet Song of Yesterday (1978)
Sweet Sunny South (r 1927)
Sweet Thames, Flow Softly (1967)
Take a Stand (r 1929)
Take Me Back to the Range (r 1936)
Take Me Back to Tulsa
Take Your Burden to the Lord (r 1926)
Talking Hard Luck Blues (r 1927)
Tennessee Blues (1940)
Tennessee Flat Top Box (1961)
Tennessee Tornado (1934)
Tennessee Waltz
T for Texas (1927)
Thais (1923)
That Little Shirt My Mama Made for Me (r 1940)
That Lonesome Valley (r 1932)
The Boy Who Lived Here
There's a Man Going “Round Taking Names (r 1928)
There's More Pretty Girls Than One (r 1937)
They'll Be No Teardrops Tonight (1948)
They're After Me (r 1938)
Things About Coming My Way
This Land is Your Land (1940)
Time Changes Everything
Time Has Made a Change in Me (?1920s)
Times A-Gettin' Hard (1950)
To Morrow
Too Tight (r 1926)
The Town I Loved So Well (1976)
The Tragic Romance
The Train Carrying Jimmie Rodgers Home
Train that Carried My Girl from Town (1920s)
Train 45 (1927)
Trial of Richard Bruno Hauptman (>1936)
Trouble in Mind (1926)
Truck Driving Man (1954)
True & Trembling Brakeman
Trying to Love Two Women (1979)
Tumbling Tumbleweeds (1934)
Turning Towards the Morning
Turn Your Radio On (1938)
Tying Knots in the Devil's Tail (1935)
Trying to Love Two Women (1979)
Tzena, Tzena (1950)
Uncle Pen
Unclouded Day (r 1939)
The Unfortunate Brakeman
The Unicorn (1968)
Union Maid (1940)
Unquiet Grave (Child 78)
Victory Rag (< 1950)
Wabash Cannonball (r 1929)
Wabash Rag (r 1927)
Walking After Midnight (1956)
Walking Around in Women's Underwear (m 1934)
Walking in the King's Highway (r 1938)
Walking the Floor Over You (1941)
Waltzing with Bears
Waves on the Sea (r 1935)
Way Out there (1936)
Weary Lonesome Blues (r 1929)
Weave Rom Blues (r 1936)
Weeping Willow (1924)
We'll Meet at the End of the Trail (1934)
We'll Sing in the Sunshine (1964)
We Need a Lot More of Jesus (1960?)
Were You There (r 1930)
We Shall Be Reunited (r 1920s)
We Shall Not Be Moved (1956)
We Shall Overcome (1936)
We Shall Rise (r 1940)
What Did You Learn in School Today (1963)
What Have They Done to the Rain? (1962)
What Will You Take in Exchange (r 1938)
When It's Night Time in Nevada (1931)
When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again (1941)
When the Cactus is in Bloom (1931)
When the Levee Breaks(1927)
When the Wagon Was New (1949)
When They Ring the Golden Bells (r 1928)
When We Meet on that Beautiful Shore (r 1929)
When You Are Gone (1940)
Where Have All the Flowers Gone? (1961)
Where is my Sailor Boy? (r 1938)
Where the Silvery Colorado Wends Its Way (r. 1928)
Where We Never Grow Old (r 1928)
Which Side Are You On? (19317)
Whiskey on a Sunday
Whistling Rufus (r 1924)
White Dove (1959)
White House Blues (1926)
Who Stole the Lock from the Hen House Door (r 1931)
Wild Stormy Deep (<1959)
Willie the Weeper (1927)
Why Don't You Love Me Like You Used (1950)
Why Should I Be Lonely? (1933
With God on Your Side (1963))
Wild About My Loving (r 1929)
Wind Up My Little Ball of Yarn (r 1937)
Wise County Jail (1928)
Wolverton Mountain (1962)
Woman Who Swallowed a Fly (1952)
Women Make a Fool Out of Me (1933)
Won't You Be Kind to Me? (r 1929)
Working on the Buildings (r 1934)
Worried Blues (r 1926)
Worried Man Blues (1930)
Wreck of the Number 9 (1927)
Wreck of the Number 52
Wreck of the Royal Palm (>1936)
Wreck of the Virginian (>1927)
Wreck of the West Bound Airliner (>1931)
You Are False, But I'll Forgive You (r 1928)
You Are a Little Too Small (r 1928)
You Are My Flower (r 1938)
You Are My Sunshine (1930 or 1933)
You Don't Know Me (1955)
You Got to Die (1949)
You May Leave, But This Gonna Bring You Back (r 1930)
You Need Somebody on Your Bond (r 1929)
You Put It In, I'll Take It Out (r 1934)
Your Cheating Heart (1952)
You're Gonna Change (1949)
Your Low Down Dirty Ways (r. 1927)
You've Been a Friend to Me (r 1935)
You're My Best Friend (1972)
You Win Again (1952)

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