M - PD Songs
A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
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MacDonald's Farm (1917)
MacGinnerly's Reel
MacNamara's Band
MacPherson's Farewell (1803)
MacPherson's Lament (1700)
Madamoiselle from Armentieres (WW I) (1919)
Magdalene Green
Maggie Brown's Favorite
Maggie Darling (Fare you Well) (1951 PD)
Maggie May (1906)
Magpie (?)
Ma, He's Making Eye's at Me (1921)
The Maid & the Palmer (Child #21)
Maid Freed from the Gallows (Child 95)
Maid from the Bronx
Maid of Amsterdam (1887)
The Maid of Ballydoo
Maid of Fivey-O
Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe (1913)
Maids of Mount Kisco
Mail Day Blues
Maggie McGee's Schottische
Maids, When You're Young Never Wed an Old Man (1791)
Major & the Weaver (1938 PD)
Make a Change
Make Me a Pallet on the Floor (1923 ?PD)
Makes a Long-Time Man Feel Bad (1947 PD)
Maldito Tango
Mama Blues (?)
Mama Don't 'Low (1925 PD)
Mama Goes Where Papa Goes (1923)
Mama Loves Papa (1923)
Mama's Gone, Goodbye (924)
Mandalay (w1892, m1975)
Mandalay (w - 1890, m-1907, etc)
Mandy (1918)
Mandy Lee (1899)
Mandy, Make Up Your Mind (1924)
Man Going "Round Taking Names (1921)
Mangwani Mpulele
Manhattan (1925)
Manhattan Beach (1893)
Man I Love (1924)
Man of Constant Sorrow (1913)
Mansion of Aching Hearts
Man on the Flying Trapeze (1868)
Man that Waters the Worker's Beer (1937,PD)
The Man that Wrote 'Home Sweet Home' (1901)
Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo (1892)
Man Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn (1905)
Mantle So Green (1800s)
Many Thousand Go (1867)
Maple Leaf Rag (1899)
Maple on the Hill (1926 PD)
Maple Sugar
Marching Jaybird
Marching Round the Levee (1898)
Marching Through Georgia (1865)
Marching to Pretoria (1903)
March of King Laois (Laoig)
March of the Toys (1893)
March of the Wee Folks (1914)
Margie (1920)
Margravine's Waltz
Mariner's Hymn (<1843)
Marine's Hymn (1868)
The Marquis of Huntly's Highland Fling
The Marriage of Sir Gawain (Child #31)
Married Man's a Fool
Married Man Gonna Keep Your Secret (1935 PD)
Married to a Mermaid
Marrowbones (1874)
La Marseillaise (1792)
Martha Campbell
Mary & Martha
Mary Ann (1800s)
Mary Anne (<1860)
Mary Dear
Mary Had a Baby (1953 PD)
Mary Had a Little Lamb (1830, 1866)
Mary Hamilton (Child 173) (1790)
Mary in the Thorns
Mary Jane Lamond
Maryland, My Maryland (1861)
Mary Lou (1926)
Mary, Mary Quite Contrary (17944)
Mary of the Wild Moor (1839)
Mary's a Grand Old Name (1905)
Mary Wore a Golden Chain
Mary Wore Three Links of Chain (1927 PD)
Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground (1852)
The Master of the Sheepfold (<1890)
Master McGrath (1926 PD)
Mason's Apron
Matches Under the Hill
Matty Groves (1600s – Child 81)
Mauling Live Oak (1925 PD)
May I Sleep in Your Barn Tonight, Mister? (1925 PD)
Maytime (1924)
McCusker's Delight
McKaffery (1860's)
McManus & the Parrot
McMichen's Reel
Me Donkey Want Water (1907)
Me & the Devil Blues (?)
Meeting in the Air
The Meeting of the Waters (1825)
Meet Me by the Icehouse, Lizzie?
Meet Me by the Moonlight (1923 PD)
Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis (1904)
Meet Me in the Moonlight Alone
Megan Morgan
Meet Me in Rose Time, Rosie (1908)
Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis (1904)
Meet Me in the Cow Shed, Lizzie
Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland (1909)
Me Father's a Lawyer in England (1927 PD)
Memories (1915)
Memory Lane (1924)Memphis Blues (1912)
Memphis Blues (song) (1908)
Men's Clothing I'll Put On (1863)
Men of Merry England (1937 PD)
The Merchant's Son
Merican Tittery-Ara-A
The Mermaid
(Child 289) (1765)
Mermaids Flirt with Me
The Mermaid Song (Chi8ld #289)
Merrily Kiss the Quaker
The Merrimac (1916)
Merry Widow Waltz (1908)
Methodist Pie (1912)
Me Too (1926)
Mexicali Rose (1923)
Michael, Row the Boat Ashore (1867)
Michigan-I-Ay (<1884)
Mickey Branigan's Pup (1800s)
Mick McGuire (1922)
Midnight Dew (1909)
Midnight Fire Alarm
Midnight on the Stormy Deep (1857)
Midnight on the Water
Midnight Special (PD, collected 1923)
Midnight on the Stormy Deep (1857)
Midnight, the Unconquered Outlaw
Midnight waltz (1925)
Mid the Green Fields of Virginia (1898)
Mighty Day (1899)
Mighty Lak a Rose (1901)
Milenberg Joys (1925)
The Miller's Will (<1764)
Milwaukee Blues (1923 PD)
Miner's Child's Dream (1922)
Miner Hill
Mines of Irvingdale (>1869)
Minnie Fester's Clog
Minorie (Child 10)
Minstral Boy (1813)
Miss Drummond of Perth
Miss Fogarty's Christmas Cake (1883)
Mississippi Rag
Mississippi Sawyer (<1839)
Miss Lyall
Miss McLeod's Reel
M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I (1916)
Mississippi Sawyer (1921)
Missouri Waltz (1914)
Mist-Covered Mountains of Home
Mister Dooley (1902)
Mister Frog Went A'Courting (1549)
Mister Garfield
Mobile Bay (1894)
The Model Church
Mole in the Ground (1901)
Molly Brooks
Molly Cottontail
Molly & Ten Brooks (c 1880)
Molly Malone (1876)
Molly, Put the Kettle On
Molly Whan (>1750)
Money in Both Pockets
Money Musk (1864)
Monkey on a String <1907)
Mon Paradis (1923)
Montcalm & Wolfe (> 1759)
Monmartre rose (1925)
Moon Love (1923)
The Mooncoin
Moonlight Bay (1912)
Moonlight and Roses (1925)
Moonlight & Skies (1930 PD)
Moonlight on the Ganges (1926)
Moonlight Swiss Chalet (?)
The Moonshine Steer
Moose March (1909)
More We Are Together (1926)
Morpath Rant
More Pretty Girls than One (1909)
The Mormon Crossing (mid 1800's)
Morning Blues
The Morning Dew
Morning Fair
Morning Has Broken
Morpath Rant
Morrisey & the Russian Sailor (1901)
Most Fair Beauty Bright
M-O-T-H-E-R (1915)
Motherless Children
Motherless Child (1901)
Mother Machree (1910)
Mother's in Heaven
Mother's Last Farewell Kiss (r 1930)
A Mother's Last Words to Her Daughter
Mountain Dew (1916)
Mountain Greenery (1926)
Mountain Jack
Mountains of Mourne
Mounties (1924)
Move the Body Over
Moving Cloud
Moving Day (1906)
Moving Day in Jungle Town?
Mowing the Barley (TA)
Mr. Crump
Mr. Jelly-Lord (1923)
Mister Noah
Mrs. McGrath (1815)
Mrs. Murphy's Chowder (1931 PD)
Muddy Roads
Mud Fence
Mudgey Waltz
Muirsheen Durkin
Mulberry Bush (1834)
Muleskinner Blues (1930 PD)
The Muleskinners (1921)
Mumblin' Word
Murder at Moose Lake (? >1906)
The Murdered Boy (Child #49)
The Murdered Brother (Child #13)
The Musket Came Down from the Door
Mussel Shoals Blues (1921)
Mustang Gray (1848)
Must I Go Bound (1928 PD)
Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone? (1898)
Mwen Pas Danse
My Ain House
My Best Girl (1924)
My Best Girls a New Yorker (1895)
My Bonnie Black Bess (early 1700s)
My Bonnie Boy (early 1600s)
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean (1881)
My Boy Billy (1776)
My Boy Willie
My Brother Edward
My Buddy Gus (1922)
My Clinch Mountain Home
My Closest Neighbor
My Country, Tis of Thee
My Curly-Headed Baby (1897)
My Days Have been So Wondrous Free
My Dear Companion
My Dearest Dear (1906)
My Dixie Darling (1909)
My Doney, Where You Been So Long?
My Dream of the Big Parade (1926)
My Father Gave Me an Acre of Ground (Child #2)
My Gal Sal (1905)
My Girl's a High-Born Lady (1896)
My God is a Rock
My God Loves Me
My Good Old Man (1885)
My Grandfather's Clock (1876)
My Gumtree Canoe (1847)
My Home's Across the Blue Ridge Mount(<1909)
My Home in Sunny Tennessee (1920)
My, How the Money Rolls In (1927PD)
My Husband has No Courage in Him (1701‚
My Indian red
My Isle of Golden Dreams (1919)
My Keepsake
My Lagan Love (1910)
My Last Letter
My Life Will Be Sweeter Someday
My Little Girl (1915)
My Little Nest of Heavenly Blue (1923)
My Lord Delivered Daniel (1874)
My Lord is Writing
My Lord, What a Morning (1867)
My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose
My Love Loves Me
My Man (1920)
My Man John
My Ma Was Born in Texas
My Mammy (1920)
My Man (Mon Homme) (1921)
My Melancholy Baby (1912)
My Money Never Runs Out (1900)
My Mother
My Mother's Rosary (1915)
My Name is Death
My Name Is Morgan (But It Ain't JP) (1906)
My Native Home
My Name is Morgan (But It Ain't JP)
My Name is Yon Yonson (1929 PD)
My Old Brown Coat & Me
My Old Cottage Home
My Od Dog Tray (1853)
My Old Kentucky Home (1853)
My Old New Hampshire Home
My Own House (Me Ain Hoose)
My Parents Raised Me Tenderly
My Pretty Little Miss (1790)
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need (1719)
My Sins Are Taken Away (1922)
My Son David
My Son John
My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon (1892)
My Sweetie turned Me Down (1923)
My Sumurun Girl Medley (1912)
Mysteries of a Hobo's Life
Mysterious Coon (1893)
My Time Is Your Time (1924)
My Wedding Day
My Whitewash Man (1912)
My Wild Irish Rose (1899)
My Yellow Gal (1934 PD)
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