S - PD Songs

A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
Scroll to your heart's content.
Sad & Lonesome Day
The Sad Courtin' (Child #272)
Sadie (1922)
Said the Blackbird to the Crow (1733)
Salem's Bright King
Sail Away Ladies
Sailing Down the Chesapeake Bay (1913)
Sailing, Sailing (TA)
Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea (1839)
Sailor's Alphabet
Sailor's Bonnett
Sailor Boy's Farewell
Sailor Boy Song
Sailor's Hornpipe (1795)
Sailor on the Deep Blue Sea
Sailor's Hornpipe (1795)
Sailor's Return
Sailor's Way
Saint Anne's Reel
Saint George & the Drag-On
Saint James Infirmary Blues (1925 trad anon)
Sales Tax Toddle
Salle Dame
Sally Ann (1918)
Sally Ann Johnson
Sally Cooper (?)
Sally Goodin (1922)
Sally in Our Ally
Sally, Let Your Bangs Hang Down
Sally's Upstairs with the Hog-eyed Man
Sally Walker (1849)
Sal's Got a Meatskin (1930 PD)
Salt Creek
Saltpetre Shanty
Salt River
Salty Dog
Salty Dog (Blues) (1924 PD)
Sam Bass
Same Old Man, Workin' at the Mill (?)
Sam Hall (1719)
Samson & Delilah
San (1920)
The Sandy Boys
Sandy River Belle
San Saba
Santa Anna (1906)
Santa Claus Blues (1924)
Santa Lucia (1850)
Saro Jane (1887)
Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down (1842)
Saturday Night Waltz
Sauerkraut (1937 PD)
S-A-V-E-D (1926 PD)
Saved in the Promised Land (1832)
Save Your Sorrow for Tomorrow (1925)
Saw You My Father (Child 248)
Say Au Revoir But Not Goodbye (1893)
Say, Darling, Say (1929 PD)
Say It Again (I Don't Believe It) (1926)
Say It with Music (1921)
Say Old Man, Can You Play the Fiddle?
Scandalous & a Shame (1910)
Scarborough Fair (Child 2) (1673)
Scarborough Settler's Lament
Scarce O'Taties
School Days (1906)
The Scolding Wife (17th C)
Scotland the Brave (1895)
The Scotland Man (<1916)
Scotland's Burning (TA)
Scovill's Rolling Mill
Sea Lion Woman (?)
Searching for Home
Second Hand Rose (1921)
Second Minuet (1924)
The Seeds of Love
Seeing Nellie Home
See See Rider
See that My Grave Is Kept Clean (1928 PD)
See the Waters Gliding (1903)
Selling that Stuff (1966 PD)
Semper Fidelis (1888)
Serenade from the Millions of Harlequin
Serenade (Student Prince) 1924)
Serenade from the Millions of Harlequin
Sentimental Me & Romantic You (1925)
Sergeant Cahill's Favorites
Serving Girl's Holiday
Settle Down
Seven Old Ladie (unk, PD)
Seven or Eleven (1923)
Seven Blessings of Mary (1833)
Seven Nights Drunk (1876)
Seven Sorrows of Mary
Seventeen Come Sunday (1790)
Seven Years (Child #21)
Shadow of the Pines (1890)
Shady Grove
Shake Hands with Mother Again (193 PD)
Shaker Life
Shaking Off the Acorns
Shake It & Break It (?)
Shake That Thing
Shallow Brown (1882)
Shall We Gather at the River (1864)
Shamus O'Brien (1870)
Shantyboy & the Farmers Son (1902)
The Shantyman's Alphabet
Shantyman's Life
Sharp's Hornpipe
Shawnee Town (1902)
Shebag & Shemore
Sheehan's Reel
She Is Ma Daisy (1905)
Sheep, Sheep, Don't 'Cha Know the Road
The Sheffield Apprentice
She Had a Dark & Roving Eye (1612)
Sheik of Araby (1921)
She Is Ma Daisy (1905)
She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain (1899)
She'll Do It Again
She Loves Coffee & I Love Tea (1922)
Shenandoah (1894)
Shenandoah Falls
The Shepherd
The Shepard Lad (Child 112)
The Shepard's Daughter & the King (Child 110)
She's Got the Money Too (1875)
She Shook It 0n the Corner (PD)
She's Like the Swallow (1930 PD)
She Loves Coffee & I Love Tea (1898)
She's More to Be Pitied than Censored (1898)
She Tickled Me (1988 PD)
She Was Poor, But She Was Honest (1923 PD)
Shiloh Hill (1874)
Shinbone Alley (1952 PD)
Shine (1924)
Shine Like a Star in the Morning (1936 PD)
Shine On, Harvest Moon (1908)
Shine on Me (1921)
Ship is at the Landing
Ships are Sailing
Ship that Never Returned (1865)
The Shirt of Lace (Child #2)
The Shoo Fly (1869)
Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me (1869)
Shooting Creek (1917)
Shooting of His Dear (>1750)
Shoot that Turkey Buzzard (1915)
Shoot the Buffalo (early 1800's)
Shortening Bread (<1915)
Short Life of Trouble (1926 PD)
Shortnin' Bread (<1860)
Shorty George (?)
Shout for Joy
Shouting on the Hills of Glory
Shout Lulu (r 1927 PD)
Shout Mona (1800s. r 1902)
Show Me the Way (1924)
Show Me the Way to Go Home (1913, 1925)
Shreveport Stomp (1925)
Shuha D - Maryam
Shule Aroon (1856)
Shull's Mills (?)
Shut Up in the Mines of Coal Creek
Si Bheag Si Mhor
Sidewalk Blues (1926)
Sidewalks of New York (1894)
Silent Night (1818)
The Silk Merchant's Daughter (<1916)
Silly Bill (1893)
Silver and Gold Two Step
Silver Bell (1910)
Silver Dagger (1866)
Silver Heels (1909)
Silver Star Hornpipe
Silver Swan Rag
Silver Threads Among the Gold (1873)
Silvest (1979 PD)
Si Mi Quieres Escribir
Simon the Cellarar (1885)
Simple Simon Meet a Pie-man (1764)
Simon Slick (1918)
Simple Gifts (1837)
Since I Laid My Burden Down (1928 PD)
Since Ma Is Playing Mah-jong (1924)
Since We Put the Radio in the Henhouse
The Sinful Maiden (Child #9)
Sing a Song of Sixpence (1784)
Sing Fare You Well (unk - PD)
The Singing Class (1914)
Singin' the Blues (1920)
Single Girl (1907)
Single Girl, Married Girl (1927 PD)
The Single Life
Sing On
Sing, Sing, Sing
Sing Song Kitty (1854)
Sink 'Em Low
Sinner Man (<1917)
Sinner, You Better Get Ready (1874)
Sin's Reward (Child #9)
Sioux City Sue (r 1924)
Sioux Indians (~1850s)
Sipping Cider Through a Straw (1919)
Sir Gaunie & the Witch (Child #31)
Sir Hugh (Child 155)
Sir John Fenwick's the Flower of Them All
Sir Lionel (Child #18)
Sir Patrick Spens (1765, Child #58))
Sister Kate (1919)
Sister, Thou Art Mild & Lovely
Sitting by the Old Corral (m)
Sitting By the River on the Levee
Sitting in a Corner (1923)
Sitting in the Stern of Boat
Sitting on Top of the World (r 1930)
Six Dukes Went A-Fishing
Six Months Ain't Long
Sixpence (1784)
Skibereen (1922)
Skillet Good & Greasy
Skip to My Lou (1911)
Skin Game Blues
Skye Boat Song (1884)
Slan la Maigh
Sleep (1923)
Sleep, Baby, Sleep (1911)
Sleepy-Eyed Joe
Sleepy Head (1926)
Sleepy Time Gal (1925)
Sliding Delta (1963 PD)
Slievenamom (c. 1800)
Slipping & Sliding Up the Golden Street
Sloop John B (1927 PD)
Sly Old Crow
The Smart Schoolboy (Child #3)
Smiles (1917)
A Smile Will Go a Long Long Qay (1923)
Smilin' Through (1918)
Smoke Goes Up the Chimney Just the Same (1901)
Smoketown Strut (?)
Snag It (1926)
Snagtooth Sal
Snake Baked a Hoecake (1910)
Snow Deer
The Snow is on the Ground (1835)
The Snow It Melts the Soonest
So Am I (1925)
Soap Suds
Sobbing Blues (1923)
So Early in the Morning (1863)
Softly Now, the Light of Day (1885)
So Handy, Me Boys, So Handy
So Here's to You
So High
So Long, Oo Long, How Long You Gonna Be Gone (1920)
So Merry, So Merry Are We (1946 PD)
Solace - A Mexican Serenade (1909)
The Soldier & the Lady (Child #299) (1828)
Soldier John
Soldier's Farewell
Soldier's Joy
Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me? (1750)
Solid Gone
Solomon Grundy (1844)
Solomon Levi
So Long, Oo Long (1920)
Somebody's Darling
Somebody Knows (1915)
Somebody Loves Me (trad anon, gospel)
Somebody Loves Me (1924)
Somebody Stole My Gal (1918)
Somebody Touched Me (?)
Somebody's Talking About Jesus
Somebody's Tall & Handsome (1920)
Somebody Stole My Gal (1918)
Somebody's Waiting for Me
Some Day, Some Other Girl (1924)
Some Folks (1855)
Some of These Days (1910)
Someone to Watch Over Me (1926)
Somerset Wassail (1857)
Some Say John Was a Baptist (1925 PD)
Some Sweet day (1923)
Something's Always Sure to Tickle Me (early 1900s)
Something's Got Ahold of Me (1920)
Something's Wrong with My Gal (1800s)
Sometime (>1916?)
Sometimes I'm in this Country
Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child (1901)
Somewhere, Somebody's Waiting for You
Song of a Lost Hunter (Child 68)
Song of Songs (1914)
Song of the Angels (m -<1768)
Song of the Canal Diggers (c 1825)
Song of the Fishes (1904)
Song of the Flame (1925)
Song of the Islands (1918)
Song of the Vagabonds (1925)
Song of the Volga Boatmen (1867)
Song My Mother Taught Me
Song that Stole My Heart (1913)
Son of a Gambolier (1870)
Sons of Liberty (<1783)
Soon One Morning, Death Come A-Creeping (1917)
Sorry Feeling Blues
So Tired
Soul Cake
Souling Song (1886)
Sourwood Mountain
South Australia
Southern Girl's Reply
Southern Moon
The Southern Soldier Boy
Southern Wagon (1909)
The South Wind
Sowing on the Mountain (TA)
Sow Took the Measles (1931 PD)
Spain (1924)
Spanish Cavalier (1881)
Spanish Fandango (latter 1800s)
Spanish is the Loving Tongue (1920)
The Spanish Lady
Spanish Ladies
Speed the Plough (1931 PD)
Spelling Bee (1865)
Spinning Wheel (1850)
Sprig of Thyme
Springfield Girls
Springfield Mountain (1761)
The Spring of '65 (1875)
Spring Song (1844)
Springtime Brings on the Shearing
Spike Driver Blue (1917)
Squash Hollow
Saint Anne's Reel
St. Brenden's Fair Isle
St. James Infirmary (unk)
St. Louis Blues (1914)
St. Louis Tickle (1911)
Stago Lee (1903)
Stand By Me
Standing in the Need of Prayer
Stand on Shore
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus (1858)
Starlight Waltz (?)
Star of Paradise
The Star of Logy Bay
Star of Munster
Star of the County Down
Star of the East (1890)
Stars and Stripes Forever (1898)
Star-Spangled Banner (1814)
Starving to Death on a Government Claim
Staten Island Hornpipe
Stay a Little Longer (1952 PD)
Stay in the Middle of the Road
Stay on the Battlefield
Steal Away
Stealin' (1921)
Steamboat Bill (1910)
Stella (1923)
Step It Fast
Step It Up & Go (1935 PD)
Stewball (1784)
St. Adele's Reel
St. Anne's Reel
St. James Infirmary (early 1900s)
St. Louis Blues (1914)
St. Louis Tickle
St. Mary's
Still I Love Him (1952 PD)
Stone Pony Blues
Stones in My Passway
Stone's Rag (PD)
Stormalong (1882)
Storms Are on the Ocean (r.1927)
Stormy Old Weather (1952 PD)
Story of Freda Bolt (>1929)
Storyville Blues
The Strawberry Roan (1915)
Streets of Glory
Streets of Laredo (1860)
Streets of New York
Strike Up the Band, Here Comes a Sailor (1900)
Study War No More (1899)
Sucking Cider Through a Straw (1919)
The Suffolk Miracle (Child #272)
Sugar Baby
Sugar Blues (1919)
Sugarfoot Rag
Sugar Hill (PD)
Sugar in the Gourd (1924 PD)
Sugar in the Hold
Sullivan's Hollow
Sunday (1926)
Sunday Morning Chimes
Sunday School Song (Pd)
Sunflower Dance (1908)
Sun Gonna Shone in My Backdoor Some Day (1937 PD)
Sunshine of Your Smile (1915)
Sunny's Mazurka
Sunny Tennessee (1899)
Sunshine in the Shadows
The Sunshine of Your Smile
Supper is Not Ready
Susiana (195PD)
Suzanna Gal (>1865)
Swanee (1919)
Swannanoa Tunnel (1916)
Swannee (1919)
Swannee Butterfly (1925)
Swannee River (1850)
Swannee River Moon (1921)
Swapping Song (1810)
Sweeping Through the Gates
Sweet Adeline (1903)
Sweet By and By
Sweet Florella (1903)
Sweet and Low (1863)
Sweet and Lowdown (1925)
Sweet Betsy from Pike (1853)
The Sweet Briar
Sweet Bunch of Daisies (?)
Sweet By & By (1868)
Sweet Fields
Sweet Genevieve (1869)
Sweet Georgia Brown (1925)
Sweet Heaven in My View
Sweet Kumadee (Child 286)
Sweet Fern (1876)
Sweetheart of Sigma Chi (1912)
Sweet Home Chicago (?)
Sweet Indiana Home (1922)
Sweet Little you (1924)
Sweet Mama, Papa's Gonna Get Mad (1920)
Sweet Maisry (Child #65)
Sweet Pickles (1907)
The Sweet Prim-E-Roses (1600s)
Sweet Rosie O'Grady (1896)
Sweet Sixteen (?1890s)
Sweet Sunny South
Sweet Thing
Sweet Trinity (Child 286, 295)
Sweet Violets (1882, 1615)
Sweet William & Lady Margaret
Sweet Willie (Child 7)
Swing Down, Chariots A-Coming
Swing Down that Chariot (PD)
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (1872)
Sweet Sunny South
Swing Down, Sweet Chariot
Swinging Down the Lane (1923)
Swinging on a Gate
Swinging on the Golden Gate
Swinging with Dora
Swing, Little Indian, Swing
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (1872)
Sympathy (1905)
Syncopated Walk (1914)
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