T - PD Songs
A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
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Tailor in the Tea Chest
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
The Tailor's Breeches
Tail Toodle
Tain't Nobody's Business If I Do
Take Me Out to the Ballgame (1908)
Take This Hammer
Take a Drink on Me (r 1927, PD)
Take Her Out of Pity (1636)
Take Me Home
Take the News to Mother (1897)
Take this Hammer (1907)
Take Your Fingers Off It (1973 PD)
Take Your Girlie to the Movies (1919)
Take Your Gun & Go, John (1862)
Talk About Suffering
Talking Casey (1963 PD)
Tamiami Trail (1926)
Tambourines and Oranges
Tam Lin (Child #39) (1769)
Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay (1891)
Tater Patch
The Tattletale Birdy (Child #82)
Tavern in the Town (1883)
Teacher, Teacher, I Declare (<1970 PD)
Tea for Two (1924)
Teddy Bear's Picnic (1907)
Tell Her in the Springtime (1924)
Tell It to Me (~1906)
Tell Me Why
Temperance Reel
Tell Me with a Melody (1923)
Temperance Union (1921)
The Tempest
Temptation Rag (1909)
Ten Broeck & Mollie (unk -trad anon)
Ten Little Indians (1868)
The Tenderfoot (1894)
Ten Thousand Years Ago (1913)
Tell Mother I'll Meet her (1900)
The Temperance Reel
Ten Broeck & Mollie (>1878)
The Tenderfoot (1921)
Ten Little Indians (1907)
Tennessee Fox Chase (unk)
Tennessee Mountain Fox Chase
The Tennis Balls (Child #156)
Ten Stone
Tenting Tonight (1864)
Ten Thousand Miles Away
Tenting Tonight (1864)
Terraplane Blues (?)
The Terrier Pup
Tessie, You Are the Only Only (1902)
The Texas Cowboy
Texas Gales (Gals)
Texas Jack (1905)
Texas Quickstep
Texas Rangers (1874)
Texas Triangle Blues (PD)
Texian Boys (1841)
Thanks for the Buggy Ride (1925)
That Bloody War (<1918)
That Certain Feeling (1925)
That Certain Party (1925)
That Haunting Melody (1911)
That High-born Girl of Mine
That International Rag (1913)
That Mysterious Rag (1911)
That Is Even So (1858)
That Old Time Religion (1872)
That's All Right
That's A-Plenty (1909)
That's No Way to Get Along (1929 PD)
That Old Gang of Mine (1923)
That Sweetie of Mine
That's Where I Met My Girl
That's Why I Never Married
That's Why They Call Me Shine (1907)
That Tumble-Down Shack in Athlone (1918)
That Will Never Happen No More
Then I'll Be Happy (1925)
There Ain't No Bugs on Me (1928 PD)
There Ain't No Flies on Jesus (1925 PD)
There Ain't No Use Me Working So Hard
There's a Long, Long trail Unwinding (1914)
There Is a Balm in Gilead (1909)
There Is More Love Somewhere
There is a Tavern in the Town (1883)
There'll Be No Distinction There
There'll Be Some Changes Made (1921)
There's a Brown-Skin Girl Down the Road Somewhere
There's a Little bit of Bad in Every Good Girl(1916)
There's a Long, Long Trail A-Winding (1913)
There's a Mother Always Waiting for You at Home
There's a New Star in Heaven Tonight (1926)
There's Music in the Air (1854)
There's No Hiding Place Down Here
There's No One Like Mother to Me
There's No Place Like Home (1822)
There's Yes, Yes in Your Eyes (1924)
There Was a Lady Lived in York (1776)
There Was a Man & He Was Mad (1836)
There Was a Man Named Johnny Sands (1842)
There Was a Man of Double Deed (1784)
There Once Was a Young Man Who We(1890s)
There Was a Lady, Lived in York (1776)
There Was a Man and He Was Mad (1846)
There Was a Man Named Johnny Sands (1842)
There Was a man of Double Deed (1784)
There Was an Old Lady All Skin & Bon (<1915)
There Was an Old Woman, All Skin & Bones
There Was an Old Woman & She Had a Little Pig (1784)
There Were Three Jovial Huntsmen (1613)
There Will Be a Happy Meeting in Glory
There Will Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight (1896)
There'll Be Joy, Joy, Joy (PD)
There'll Be a Hot time in the Old Town Tonight (1896)
There'll Be Joy, Joy, Joy (1927 PD)
There'll Be No Distinction There (1931 PD)
There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea (PD)
There's a Hole in the Bucket (PD)
There's a Long, Long Trail A-Winding (1914)
There's a Man Goin' Round taking Names (1921)
There's No Place Like Home (1823)
There's Whiskey in the Jar (1855)
These Bones Gonna Rise Again
The Three Butchers (Child)
They Call Her Mother
They Didn't Believe Me (1914)
They Go Wild Simply Wild After Me (1917)
They Got to Quit Kicking My Dog Around (1912)
They're Moving Father's Bones to Build a Sewer (1959 PD)
Things About Coming My Way (1970 PD)
Thinking of You, I've Grown So Lonesome (1926)
Thirtytwo-Twenty Blues
This Little Light of Mine (PD)
This Little Pig Went to Market (1765)
This Old Man (1906)
This Train (1922)
This World Is Not My Home (1924 PD)
This Little Light of Mine
This Morning, This Evening, Right Now
This Morning, This Evening So Soon
This Old Man (1906)
This Old World
This Train
This World is Not My Home
Thomas & Ellen (Child #73)
Thomas the Rhymer (Child #37)
Those Cruel Slavery Days (1876)
The Three Babes (Child 79)
This is a Mean World
This Train (TA)
Three Blind Mice (1609)
The Three Knights (Child 11)
Three Forks of Cheat
Three Jolly Rogues
Three Little Babies (Child #20)
Three Little Children, Lying in Bed (1915)
Three Little Kittens
Three Men Went A-Hunting (1886)
Three Nights Drunk (1876)
The Three Ravens (Child #26)
The Three Rogues (1804)
Three Little Drummers
The Three Sea Captains
They Go Wild, Simply Wild Over Me (1917)
The Thunderer (1889)
Tickle Cove Pond (?)
Ticklish Reuben (1902)
Tie-Hacking's Too Tiresome
Tie Me Kangaroo Down (?)
Tie Your Dog, Sally Gal
Tiger Rag (1917)
Tiger Rag Blues
Tilden to the White House
Til We Meet Again (1898, 1918)
Times A-Gettin' Hard, Boys (1927 PD)
Times Are Not What They Used to Be
Time for Us to Leave Her (1917)
Time is a Winding Up
Tim Finnigan's Wake (<1861)
The Tinker
Tinker, Tailor (1626)
Tin Roof Blues (1923)
Tiofaidh Tu Abhaile Liom
Ting-a-Ling (Waltz of the Bells) (1926)
Tipperary (1912)
Tiranti, My Love (Child #12)
Tishomingo Blues (1917)
Tis the Gift to Be Simple (1848)
Titanic (1924 -PD)
To a Wild Rose (1896)
Tobacco's But an Indian Weed (1699)
Tobacco Union (1941 PD)
To Be a Farmer's Boy (1845)
To Hear the Nightingales Sing (1903)
Tom and Jerry
To Morrow (1898)
Tombigbee River (Gum Tree Canoe ( 1847)
Tom Brown (1850)
Tom Dooley (>1866)
Tom Dula (1921)
Tommy Peoples
Tommy's Gone to Hilo
Tom Sherman's Bar-Room (1886)
Tonight You Belong to Me (1926)
Took My Gall to a Fancy Ball (1881)
Too-Ra-Loo-La-Roo-La (1913)
Too Tight Rag
Toot Toot Tootsie, Goodbye (1922)
Too Young to Marry (1915)
Toot Toot Tootsie (1903)
Too Young to Marry (1757)
Totem Tom Tom (1924)
To the Begging I Will Go
Tough Luck (TA)
Toyland (1903, 1922)
Trail of the Lonesome Pine (1913)
Trail to Mexico
Train 45 (PD)
Train on the Island (m -late 1800's, w - Ward )
The Train that Carried My Girl from Town
Tramps & Hawkers
Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (1864)
The Traveler
Travelin' Blues
Travelin' Man
Travelin' Riverside Blues (?)
Traveling Shoes (1939 PD)
The Tree in the Wood
Tree of Strings
Trifling Woman
Trinity Cake (1922)
The Triplett Tragedy (1909)
Trip to Sligo
Trooper Cut Down in His Prime (1850's)
The Trooper & the Maid (Child #299) (1828)
Trouble in Mind
Tryin' to Get to Heaven in Due Time
Tucker's Rag
Tuck Me to Sleep in My Old Tucky Home (1921)
Tug Boat
The Tune the Old Cow Died On
Turkey in the Straw (1834)
Turkish Reveilie ()1685)
Turn Ye to Me
Turpin Hero (1739)
Turtle Dove
Twa Bonnie Maidens
The Twa Brothers (Child #49)
Twa Corbies
Twas Early in the Spring (1863)
The Twa Sisters (Child #10)
Twelfth Street Rag (1914, 1916)
Twelve Days of Christmas (~1780)
Twelve Gates to the City (1929 PD)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (1765)
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Brady & Duncan) (1906)
The Two Brothers (Child 49)
Two Babes in the Woods
Two Brothers (1902)
Two Coats
Two Dollar Bill (1936 PD)
Two Drummers (1896)
Two Little Blackbirds
Two Little Girls in Blue (1893)
Two Little Rosebuds (?TA)
Two More Years
Two Old Crows (Child #26)
Two Sisters
Two Sisters that Loved One Man (Child 10)
Two Soldiers
Two Sons of North Britain (1778)
Two Sweethearts
Two White Horses (1924 PD)
Tying a Knot in the Devil's Tail (1917)

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