B - PD Songs

A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
Scroll to your heart's content.
Baa Baa Black Sheep (1765)
Babes in the Woods
Baby, All Night Long (1924)
Baby Bunting (1885)
Babylon (Child #14)
Baby Doll
Baby Face (1926)
Babylon's Falling
Baby, Please Don't Go
Baby Rose (1911)
Baby, Won't You Please Come Home (1919)
Bachelor's Lament
Back, Back to Baltimore (1904)
Back Home Again in Indiana
Backstep Cindy
Back to the Carolina You Love (1914)
Back Up & Push
Bacon & Greens (1870)
Backwater Blues (1927)
Bad Girl's Lament (1790)
Bad Lee Brown (1922)
Bagdad (1912)
Bagdad (1924)
Bag of Rags (1912)
Bald-headed End of a Broom (1875)
Bald Headed Woman
Ballad of Davy Crocket (1906)
Ballad of Grace Brown & Chester Gillette (1939, PD)
Ballad of Lydia Pinkham (1927)
Ballad of Master McGrath (1926)
Ballad of Pudding Hill
Ballad of Sam Hall (1719)
Ballaloo My Lammie (TA)
Ball & Chain
Ball of Yarn (1890)
Balling the Jack (1913)
Balm in Gilead (1853)
Baltimore Fire (1903)
Baltimore Whores
Bamalong Blues (PD)
Bambalina (1923)
Bandana Days (1921)
The Band Played On (1895)
Bang Away Lulu (PD)
Bangum & the Bo (Child #18, 1750)
Banish Misfortune
Banjo Picking Girl (1859)
Banks of the Bann (1862)
Banks of the Don (1952 PS)
Banks of Green Willow (Child 24)
Banks of Newfoundland
Banks of the Ohio (1915)
Banks of Ponchartrain
Banks of Sweet Dundee
Banks of the Bann (1862)
Banks of the Champlain
Banks of the Don (1890)
Banks of the Little Eau Pleine (1862)
Banks of the Niles (~1801)
Banks of the Ohio (1915)
Banks of the Schuylkill (<1843)
Banks of the Wabash (1897)
Baptist Shout (PD))
Barb'ry Allen (Child 84 -1666)
Bard of Armagh (1847)
Barefoot Boy with Boots On (1927 PD)
Barley Mow (1916)
Barnacle Bill, the Sailor (1917)
Barney Buntline (<1814)
Barney Google (1923)
Barney McCoy (1879)
Barnyards of Delgaty (1847)
Basin Street Stomp (1921)
The Bastard King of England (1927)
Bachelor's Hall (1942 PD)
Battle Cry of Freedom (1863)
Battle Hymn of the Republic (1861)
Battle of Alma (PD)
Battle of Antietam
Battle of New Orleans (1935 PD)
Battle Cry of Freedom (1762, 1863)
Battle Hymn of the Republic (m <1807, w -1861)
Battle of Jerico (1922)
Battle of the Kegs (1878)
Battleship of Maine (1898)
Battle Song of the Great Kanawha (1774?)
Bay of Biscay-O (1914)
Beale Street Blues (1916)
Beans (1912)
Beans, Bacon & Gravy (PD)
Bear Away Yankee, Bear Away Boys
Bear Went Over the Mountain (1783)
Beatrix Fairfax, Tell Me What to Do
Beat the Drum Slowly
Beaumont Rag
Beautiful Annabelle Lee (1920)
Beautiful, Beautiful Brown Eyes (1941 PD)
Beautiful Dreamer (1864)
Beautiful Garden of Prayer (1920)
Beautiful Hills of Galilee
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere (1897)
Beautiful Isle Over the Sea
Beautiful Ohio (1918)
Beautiful River
Beautiful Star
Beauty in Tears
Beaver Dam Road (1941 PD)
Because (1902)
Because I Love You (1926)
Bedelia (1903)
Beefsteak When I'm Hungry (1910)
Been All Around this World (1944 PD)
Been in the Pen So Long (1927)
Been in the Storm So Long
Been on the Job Too Long (1927 PD)
Been in the Pen So Long (1927 PD)
Beer Barrel Polka (1927)
Before I Be a Slave (1899)
Before the Daylight in the Morning
Before This Time Another Year
Behind the Haystack
Be Home Early Tonight My Dear Boy (1879)
Be Kind to a Man When He's Down
Belfast Lasses
Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms (1773)
Bell Bottom Trousers (1904)
Belle Brandon (1859)
Belle of Chicago (1892)
Bell Cow (1929 PD)
Belle of Schoharie
Bells of St. Mary's (1917)
Be My Little Baby Bumblebee (1912)
Ben Bolt (1843)
Bendemere's Stream (1790 , 1817 or 1850)
Bent County Bachelor (1910)
Beside a Babbling Brook (1923)
Bethena, a Concert Waltz (1905)
Beulah Land (1876)
Be Thou My Vision (700's)
Betsey from Pike (1858)
Better Day
Better Farther On (PD)
Better Things for You (?)
Better Times Are Coming (1862)
Betty & Dupree (~1921-22 PD)
Beulah Land (1876)
Beware, O Take Care (1892)
Bheir Me-O (1858)
Bible in the Cabin by the Sea
Bicycle Built for Two (1892)
Bid You Good Night
Big Bad Bill Is Sweet William Now (1924)
Big Ball in Boston (1899)
Big Bass Viol (1910)
Big Boy (1924)
Big Camp Meeting in the Promised Land
Big John McNeal
Big Rock Candy Mountain (1906)
Big Sandy
Big Bill Snyder (1840s)
Big Noise from Kokomo
Bile that Cabbage Down (1924 PD)
Bill Bailey (1902)
Bill Banks (1909)
Billboard March (1901)
Bill Cheatum
Bill Grogan's Goat (1904)
Billie O'Shea
Bill Morgan & His Girl (1906)
Billy Barlow (1916)
Bill Vanero (1881)
Billiken Rag
Billy (1911)
Bill Bailey (1902)
Billy Barlow
Billboard March (1901)
Billy Boy (1824)
Bill Grogan's Goat (1904)
Billy Grimes the Rover (1850)
Billy in the Low Ground
Billy the Kid (> 1881)
Billy Veniro
Bim Bam
Bimini Bay (1921)
Bimini Gal
Binks' Waltz
Birdie (late 1800s)
Bird in a Gilded Cage (1900)
Bird on Nellie's Hat
The Bird's Return
The Birkin Tree
Birmingham Jail (1909)
Birth of Passion (1910)
Birth of the Blues (1926)
Birthday of a King (1890)
Bitter Withy (1700-1800?)
Bit o' Blarney (1904)
Black & White Rag (1908)
Black Annie (TA)
Black Ball Line (1914)
Blackberry Blossom
Black Betty (1934 ,PD)
Blackbird, Get Up
Blackbirds and Thrushes
Black Bottom (1926)
Black Bottom Blues (1927)
Black Bottom Stomp (1926)
Black Cat Rag (1905)
Black-eyed Susie
Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair (1916)
Black and White Rag (1908)
Black-eyed Susie (1924 PD)
Black Girl (1902)
Black Jack Davy
Black River Thaw (1860)
Black Velvet Band (1854)
Blame It on the Blues (1914)
Blessed Assurance (1873)
Blessed is the Name of the Lord
Blessings of Mary (1733)
Blest Be the Tie that Binds (1782)
Blind Child (1906)
Blood on the Saddle (1905)
Blood Red Roses (1890)
Blow the Candle Out (1714)
Blow Away the Morning Dew (TA)
Blood Done Signed My Name (1931 PD)
Blood Red Roses (1890)
Bloody Bill Anderson
Bloody War (1929 PD)
Blow Away the Morning Dew (1609)
Blow Boys Blow (TA)
Blow, Bullies, Blow (1874)
Blow the Man Down (1880)
Blow the Winds in the Morning (1859)
Blow the Wind Southerly (1908)
Blow the Wind Westerly (1904)
Blow Thou Winter Winds (1600's)
Blow Ye Winds Heigh Ho (1830)
Blow Ye Winds Westerly (19040
Blow Your Trumpet, Gabriel (TA)
Blue Alsatian Mountains (TA)
Blue and Broken-Hearted (1922)
Blue Bells, Goodbye
Bluebells of Scotland (1915)
Blue Bonnets over the Border
Blue Danube (1867)
Blue Danube Blues (1921)
Blue-eyed Boston Boy
Blue Goose Rag (1916)
Blue Grass Rag (1918)
Blue-Haired Jimmy (1929 PD)
Blue Juniata (1849)
Blue Mountain Lake (1939 PD)
Blue Ridge Mou8ntain Blues (1924 PD)
Blue Room (1926)
Blue Skies
Blues in My Mind
Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives to Me (1919)
Blue-Haired Jimmy (1929 PD)
Blue Ridge Mountain Blues
Blue Tail Fly (1846)
Bluin' the Blues (1918)
Boar's Head Carol (TA)
Boating Up the Sandy River (PD)
Boatman (1843)
Boat's Up the River (1910)
Bobby O'Casey's Hornpipe
Bobby Shaftoe (1750)
Bog Down in the Valley-O (1877)
Bohemia Rag (1919)
Bohunkus & Grimes (1832)
Boil the Breakfast Early
Boil Them Cabbage Down (1924 PD)
Bolamkin (Child 93)
Bold Brennen on the Moor (1862)
Bold Donahue (1941 PD)
Bold Fisherman (TA < 1839)
Bold General Wolfe (1898)
Bold Jack Donohoe (1941 PD)
The Bold Lieutenant (<1819)
Bold Princess Royal (1770's)
The Bold Pedlar & Robin Hood (Child 132) (1755)
The Bold Privateer (<1918)
Bold Riley
Bold Robin Hood (1750)
The Bold Soldier (1679)
Bold Sir Rylas (Child 18)
Bold Soldier (1679)
Bold Thady Quill (1959 PD)
Boll Weevil (early 1900s)
Bolo Rag (1908)
Bolsum Brown (1927 PD)
Bonaparte's March (1849)
Bonaparte's Grand march
Bonaparte's Retreat
Boney on the Isle of St. Helena (1830)
Bonnet Trimmed in Blue
Bonnie Annie (Child 24)
Bonnie Annie Laurie (1823)
Bonnie Banks of Airdrie (Child 14)
Bonnie Banks of Bernio (Child 14)
Bonnie Banks of Fordie (Child 14)
Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond (1841)
Bonnie Blue Eyesm (1909)
Bonnie Blue Flag (1861)
The Bonnie Bonnie Banks of the Virgi-O
Bonnie Bay of Biscay-O
Bonnie Blue Flag (1861, 1909)
Bonnie Bunch of Roses (early 1800's)
Bonnie Dundee (1787)
Bonnie Eloise (1858)
Bonnie George Campbell (1807)
Bonnie Heilin' Laddie (1846)
Bonnie James Campbell (Child 210, <1807)
Bonnie Jean of Aberdeen (1803)
Bonnie Lass of Fiv-e-O (<1839)
Bonnie Portmore (?)
Bonnie Ship the Diamond (1905)
Bonny, At Morn
Bonny Barbara Allen (Child #84)
The Bonny Birdy (Child #82)
The Bonny Bunch of Roses
Bonny Farday (Child #14)
The Bonnie Hind
Bonny Light Horseman (late 1800s)
Bonny Love
Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine
Bonaparte's Retreat
Bonnie Broom (1768, m 1632)
Bonnie Doon
Bony on the Isle of St. Helena
Bony's Defeat
Bony Was a Warrior
Boola Boola (1901)
Booze Packet
Bootlegger's Blues
Border Affair (1920)
Born 10,000 Years Ago
Bosco Stomp
Boston All Come Ye (1830)
Boston Boy
Boston Burglar
Boston Harbour (1860s)
Boston Girl
Boston Tea Party (1925)
Bound for South Australia (1927)
Bound for the Rio Grande (1894)
Bought Me a Cat (1849)
Boulavogue (1898)
Boundless Expanse of Sea
Bound Street Blues
Bound to Ride
Bouree Buscatelle
Bowery Buck (TA)
Bowie, Bowerie (Child #10)
Bowling Green (1947, PD)
Bow Wow
Bow Wow (1859)
Boston Burglar (1886)
The Boy I Love is Up in the Galley (1885)
Boys of Blue Hill
Boys, Keep Away from the Girls I Say (1877)
Boys of Wexford (1873)
The Braes o Yarrow (Child #214)
Bramble Briar (<1904)
Brandy, Leave Me Alone (1955 PD)
Brandywine (Childl #7)
The Brandywine Quickstep
Brannigan's Pup (1879)
Brave Boys
Brave Earl Brand (< 1750)
The Brave Engineer
Bravest Cowboy
Brave Wolfe (1759)
Breaking Up Christmas
Breeze, Blow My Baby back to Me
Breeze from Alabama (1902)
Brennan on the Moor (~1809)
Brewer's Daughter
Brian Boru's March
Brian O'Lynn
Briary Bush (TA)
Bride Elect (1897 TA)
Brigg Fair (<1906)
Brigham Young (1910)
Bright Mohawk Valley (1896)
Brighten the Corner Where You Are (1913)
Bright Sunny South (1853)
Bring Back to Me My Wandering Boy
Bring Back My Blue-eyed Boy (1909)
Bring back My Bonnie to Me
Bring a Torch, Jeanette Isabella (1553)
Bringing in the Sheaves (1874)
Bring It on Down to My House (?)
Brisk Young Bachelor (1901)
Brisk Young Farmer (1906)
Brisk Young Butcher (?)
Brisk Young Sailor (TA, 1883)
British Field March
Brittania, Gem of the Ocean (1852)
British Grenadiers (1750)
Broadway Rag (TA)
Broadway Rose (1920)
Broke & Hungry Blues
Broken Down Tramp
Broken-Hearted Melody (1923)
Broken Yoyo
The Bronc that Woudn't Bust
The Broom o' the Cowdenknowes (1768)
Brother Noah (1927)
Brother's Revenge (Child #11)
Brown Eyes
Brown Eyes, Why Are You Blue? (1925)
Brown-Haired Maiden (TA)
Brown October Ale (1891)
Brown's Ferry Blues (1933 PD)
The Brown Gate
Brown Girl (Child 295)
Brownskin Gal
Budded Rose (r 1927)
Budweiser's a Friend of Mine (1907)
Buckdancer's Choice
Buckeye Jim (1947 PD)
Bucking Bronco (1908)
Buffalo Boy
Buffalo Girls (Gals)(1844, 1880's)
Buffalo Hunters (1872)
Buffalo Rag
The Buffalo Range (unk, 1930's)
Buffalo Skinners (1910)
Bug in the Taters
Building on the Rock
Bulgine Run (1921)
The Bulgine Shanty
Bullgine Run (1921)
The Bugle Britches (Child #299
Bulldog and the Bullfrog (1887)
Bull at the Wagon
Bulldog Down in Sunny Tennessee (1899)
The Bulldog on the Bank
The Bullhead Boat
Bully in the Alley (1914)
Bully of the Town (1895)
Bully Samba
Bunch of Rags (1901)
Bunch of Thyme
Bunch of Watercresses (<1886)
Bungle Rye (1869)
Burglar and the Old maid (<1901)
The Burial of Wild Bill
Burning of Rome (1903)
The Burning of the Piper's Hut
Bury Me Beneath the Willow (1909)
Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie (mid 1800's)
Bushes and Briars
Butcher Boy (Gosport Tragedy) (1796)
Butter and Cheese and All
Buttercup Joe (1872)
Butternut Hill (also Buttermilk Hill) (1876)
By and By (1906)
Bye 'N' Bye
Bye "N" Bye, I'm going to See the King (1927)
Bye, Bye , Blackbird (1926)
Bye Bye, Sweet Rosianna (1960, PD)
By Heck (1914)
By the Beautiful Sea (1914)
By the Light of the Silvery Moon (1909)
By the Light of the Stars (1925)
By the Silvery Rio Grande (1900, PD)
By the Waters of the Minnetonka (1914)
By Yon Bonnie Banks (TA)
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