G - PD Songs
A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
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Gaily, the Troubadour (TA)
Galla Water
Galloway Hills
Galway Bay (1958 PD)
Galway City
Galway Races
The Galway Rambler
The Gambler's Dying Words
The Gambling Man (1902)
Game of Childhood Days (1908)
Gaol Song (<1906)
Garden of Roses (1909)
The Gardiner (Child 210)
Garfield (TA)
Garfield March
Garland of Old-Fashioned Roses (1912)
Garner's Gay
Garry Owen (1867)
Gartan Mother's Lullaby
The Gatehouse Mail
Gathering Flowers from the Hillside
Gathering Shells from the Seashore
Gaudemus Igitur (TA)
Gayly, the Troubadour
Gee, But I Hate to Go Home Alone (1922)
Gee, But I Want to Go Home (1922, 1947 PD)
Gee, But It's Great to Meet a Friend from Your Home ...(1922)
General Guinness
General Pershing
General Taylor
General Wolfe (1700's)
Gentle Annie (1856)
The Gentle Boy (?)
Gentle Lena Clare (1852)
Gently Lead Me (1896)
Geordie (Child #209) (1792)
Geordie Gill
George Collins (Child 85) (1810)
Georgie Porgie (1765)
Georgia (1922)
Georgia Buck (1915)
Georgia Crawl
Geordie (Child 209)
Georgie (1500s – Child 209))
Georgie Buck (1913)
Georgie Porgie (1765)
German Clockwinder (1957 PD)
German Cradle Song
Gerry's Rocks (1904)
Gesu Bambino (1917)
Get Along Home, Cindy, Cindy (1915)
Get Along, Little Dogies (1893)
Get on Board (1866)
Get Right Church (1913)
Get Up & Bar the Door (Child #275) (1769)
Get Up in the Morning, Soon (<1898)
Get Up Jack, John Sit Down (1884)
Ghost of the Violin (1912)
The Ghost Ship (1805)
Gianinna Mia (1912)
Gilderoy (1725)
Gimme a Little Kiss, Will Ya? (1926)
Gippie, Get Your hair Cut (1812)
Girl Friend (1926)
The Girl Friend of the Whirling Dervish?
Girl I Left Behind Me (1758-70)
Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee (1899)
Girl I Left Behind Me (1758-70, also 1867)
The Girl I Love Don't Pay Me No Mind
Girl in the Blue Velvet Band
Girl of Mine
Girl on the Magazine (TA)
Girls and Boys, Come Out to Play
The Girls Around Cape Horn
The Girls of Valparaiso
Girl on the Greenbriar Shore
The Girl that Wore a Waterfall (1928 PD)
Git Along, Little Dogies (1893)
Give an Honest Irish Lad a Chance
Give Him One More as She Goes
Give It Up
Give Me the Roses
Give Me That Old time Religion (1872)
Give Me Your Love & I'll Give You Mine
Give My Regards to Broadway (1904)
Give Me Your Heart (1896)
Give the Fiddler a Dram
Give Us a Flag
Gladiator (1886)
Glad I'm in that Number
Gladiolus Rag (1907)
Glasgoe Highlanders (TA)
Glasgow Hornpipe
Glasgow Peggy (Child 228)
Glen Rose March & Two Step
G L O R Y , I Am S A V E D (1926 PD)
Glory and Honor
Glory, Glory Hallelujah (1861)
Gloryland Way
Glory to the Lamb
The Glory Trail (1920)
Glow Worm (1907)
Go and Dig My Grave
God Be with You Until We Meet Again (TA)
God Bless the Moonshiners (1927 PD)
Go Bring Me Back My Blue-Eyed Boy (<1865)
Go Down, Moses (1861)
Go Down Ye Roses
God Gave Noah the Rainbow Sign
God's Gonna Ease My Troublin' Mind
God Moves on the Water (1929 PD)
God Save the King (TA)
Go Find My True Love
Go In and Out the Window (1896)
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (1760)
God Save the King
God's Gonna Ease My Troubling Mind
God's Gonna Separate tehe Wheat from the Tares
Go from My Window
Go In and Out the Window (PD)
Going Cross the Mountains (<1863)
Going Across the Sea
Going Away Tomorrow
Going Back to the Blue Ridge Mountain
Go Down, Moses
Going Down the Road Feeling Bad (1923 PD)
Going Down to Cairo (1858/early 1900s)
Going Home (1922)
Going Round the Mountain (<1898)
Going "Round the World (Banjo-Picking Girl) (1859)
Going to Chicago Blues
Going to Georgia (?)
Going to German (1929 PD)
Going to Italy
Going to Keep My Skillet Good & Greasy (1924 PD)
Going to Ride in de Chariot in de Morning (1901)
Going to Shout All Over God's Heaven (1909)
Going to Study War No More (TA)
Going to Tampa
Going to the Racetrack
Going Up Cripple Creek (1913)
Going Up on the Mountain
Going Uptown
Going West
Going Where My Troubles Soon Be Over
Gold and Silver Waltz (1904)
Goldarn Wheel (1898)
Golden Days (1924)
Golden Ring Around the Susan Girl (1963 PD)
Golden Slippers (1879)
Golden Vanity (Child 286, 1685)
The Golden Willow Tree (Child 286, 1685)
Golden Slippers (1879)
Golden Willow Tree
Gold Watch & Chain (1929 PD)
Go 'Long, Mule (1924)
Goober Peas (1864)
Goodbye Booze (1901)
Goodbye, Boys (1913)
Goodbye Broadway, Hello France (1917)
Goodbye Dolly Gray (1900)
Goodbye Eliza Jane (1871, 1903 or 1912)
Goodbye, Fare You Well )1867)
Goodbye Girls, I'm Through (1914)
Goodbye, Little Bonnie Blue Eyes (1909)
Goodbye Maggie
Goodbye Song
A Good Man Is Hard to Find (1918)
Good Morning to All (1896)
Goodbye Girls, I'm Through (1914)
Goodbye, Liza Jane (1871)
Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip (1918)
Goodbye My Lady Love (1904)
Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye (1852)
Goodbye My Honey I'm Gone (1885)
Goodbye Old Paint (1800s)
Good Christian Men Rejoice (14th c)
Good King Wenceslas
A Good Man is Hard to Find (1918)
Good Morning to All (1896)
Good Morning Blues (1931 PD)
Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip (1918)
Good News, Chariot's Coming (1874)
Goodnight, Irene (1886 – maybe)
Good Night, Ladies (1847, 1853)
The Good Old Days of Adam & Eve
The Good Old Man (Child #2174)
Good Old Mountain Dew (1916)
Good Night, Ladies (1847)
The Good Physician
Good Old rebel Soldier (1866)
Good Ship Venus
Good Time Coming
Gospel Plow
Gospel Ship (1935 PD)
Gospel Train (1866)
Gosport Tragedy (early 1500s)
Go Tell Aunt Rhody (1913)
Go Tell It on the Mountain (1865)
Got No Sugar Baby Now (1927 PD)
Go to Sea No More (1923 PD)
Go to Sleep
Go to Sleepy Little Baby (1913)
Got No Sugar Baby Now
Got the Jake Leg Too (1930 PD)
Government Claim (1910)
Go Wash in that Beautiful Pool
Go Way back & Sit Down (1901)
Grace of God
Grandfather's Clock (1876)
Grandmama's Advice
Grandmother''s Old Arm Chair (1880)
Grandpa's Spells (1923)
The Grand Roundup
Granny & the Golden Ball (Child #95)
Granny Killed a Wodchuck
Granny's Old Arm Chair (1840)
Granny's Song
Granny, Will Your Dog Bite? (1839)
Grasshopper Polka
Grasshopper Sitting on a Sweet Potato Vine (?)
Grave on the Green Hillside
Graveyard Blues
Gray Cock (Child 248)
Gray Goose (1933 PD)
Gray Mare (1825)
Greasy Coat
Greasy String
Great Big Gobs of Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts (<1974 PD
Great Camp Meeting in the Promised Land (1874)
Great Day
Great Gettin' Up Morning (1874)
Great Historical Bum (1913)
Great Milwaukee Fire (>1883)
Great Rock Island Line (1882)
Great Ship Went Down (1927 PD)
Great Silkie of Sule Skerry
Great Speckled Bird
Great Titanic
Greenback Dollar (1928)
Greenbriar Shore (1867)
Green Corn (1924 PD)
Green Fields of America (1864)
Green Gowned Lass
Green Grass Grew All Around (1877)
The Green Grave (Child #78)
Green, Green, Rocky Road (1950 PD)
Green Grows the Laurel (1846)
Green Grow the Lilacs (1846)
Green Grow the Rushes (1794)
Green Icy Mountain (?)
Green Pastures
Greenland Whale Fisheries
Greenland Bound (1880's)
Green's Hornpipe
Greenland Whales (1903)
Greensleeves (1580)
Green Valley
Green Willow Tree
Greenwood Sidey (1796)
Grey Eagle
Grizzly Bear (1910)
Groundhog (1911)
Growling Old Man & Cackling Old Woman
Guardo el Lobo (1500s)
Guide Me Thou oh Great Jehovah (1745)
Guilderoy (1636)
Guitar Rag (PD)
Gulf Coast Blues (1923)
Gum Tree Canoe (1847)
The Guy Who Stole My Wife
Gwine Up
Gypsy Davy (Child 200) (1720)
Gypsy Girl
Gypsy Laddie (Child 200)
Gypsy Love Song (1898)

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