PD Songs Which Start with "A"
A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
Scroll to your heart's content.

The Abba Dabba Honeymoon (1914)
Abbeville Breakdown
A-B-C Tumble Down D
A-Begging We Will Go (1634)
Abide with Me
Abba Dabba Honeymoon (1914)
ABC Tumble-down D
Abdul the Bulbal Ameer (1877)
Abide with Me
Abilene (PD, 1973)
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (1900)
Absolom, My Son (1840)
Acres of Clams
Across the Western Ocean (1870)
Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden (?)
Adeste Fidelis (1751)
Adieu, My Lovely Nancy
Adieu to Cold Weather
Adoring You (19/4)
A Few More Years (PD)
Afganistan (1920)
A Fond Kiss
A Frog He Would A-Wooing Go
After I Say I'm Sorry (1926)
After the Ball (1892)
After the Battle, Mother (1863)
After You Get What You Want, You Don't W.(1920)
After You've Gone (1918)
Aggravating Papa (1922)
Agincourt Carol (1415)
Ah! May the Red Rose Live Alway (1850)
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life (1910)
A-Hunting We Will Go (1777)
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life (1910)
Aiken Drum (1715)
Aimee McPherson (1961 PD)
Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More (1928 PD)
Ain't Gonna Rain No More (1919)
Ain't Gonna Study War No More (1899)
Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow
Aimee McPherson (anon – 1930's)
Ain't Gonna Rain No More (late 1800s)
Ain't Got No Honey Baby Now
Ain't It a Shame (1927 PD)
Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down (?)
Ain't No More Cane on the Brazos (1934 PD)
Ain't That Good News
Ain't We Got Fun (1921)
Ain't You Coming Back to Dixieland (1917)
After You've Gone (1918)
Alabama Bound (1909)
Alabamy Bound (1925)
Alabama Girls
Alabama Jubilee (1915)
Alabama Wagon Wheel
A la Nanita Nana
Alan Bain
Alcoholic Blues (1919)
Alexander's Ragtime Band (1911)
Alice Blue Gown (1919)
Allah's Holiday (1916)
All Aboard for Dixieland (1913)
All Alone (1911)
All Alone (Irving Berlin - 1924)
All Around the Mountain
All Birds Look Like Chicken to Me (1899)
All By Myself (1921)
All Coons Look Alike to Me (1896)
All Creatures of our God and King
All for Me Grog (?)
All God's Children Got Shoes (1909)
All God's Children Got Wings (1865)
All Go Hungry Hash House (1925 PD)
All Gone for Grog (1904)
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name (1909)
All I Ever Had is Done Gone (1924?)
All Night Long (1912)
All My Sins Been Taken Away (198100
All My Trials
All Quakers Are Shoulder Shakers (1919)
All Quiet Along the Potomac Tonight (1863)
All She'd Say Was Umh-um (1920)
All Smiles Tonight (1926 PD)
All the Girls in France
All The Good Times Are Past & Gone (1930 PD)
All the Pretty Little Horses (1918)
All the Quakers Are Shoulder-Shakers (1919)
All the World Will Be Jealous of Me (1917)
All Things Are Quite Silent
All Through the Night (w - 1884, m-1774)
Aloha Oe (1878)
Alone in My Rocking Chair
Along the Rocky Road to Dublin (1915)
Alouette (1885)
Alphabet Song
Alt Heidelberg (1853)
A-Lumbering We Will Go (1851)
A Tisket A Tasket (1879)
Always (1925)
Always Leave Them Laughing When You Say Goodbye (1903)
Alto Waltz
A Man's a Man
Amazing Grace (1779)
Amber Tresses
America (1832)
America, Here's My Boy (1917)
America, I Love You (1915)
American Beauty Rag
American Patrol (1885)
The American Stranger
Amber Tresses
America (1832)
America, Here's My Boy (1917)
America, the Beautiful (1893)
Am I Born to Die (1763, <1866)
Am I Wasting Time on You (1926)
A Miner's Dream of Home (1891)
Amsterdam Maid (1877)
Amos Johnson Rag
Anabelle (1923)
Anchored in Love
The Anchors Away (<1860)
Anchors Aweigh (1906)
An Comhra Donn
And Now, Old Serpent, How Do You Feel?
And the Green Grass Grew All Around (1860)
Andy's Gone for Cattle
An Evening Prayer (1911)
Angel Band (1860, PD)
Angels Ever Bright and Fair
Angelina Baker (1850)
Angeline the Baker (1860)
Angeles (1913)
Angels from the Realms of Glory (w-1816,m-1867)
Angels Hovering Around (1921)
Angel's Serenade (1867)
Angels We have Heard on High (1700s)
Angry (1925)
Angus Campbell
Animals Went in Two By Two
Annie Laurie (1823, 1838)
Annie Lisle (1860)
An Old Reconstructed
Another Day's Journey
Another Man Done Gone (1940 PD)
Ants Go Marching In
Antoinette (1906)
Ants Go Marching In ( PD)
Any Little Girl That's a Nice Little Girl (1910)
Any Old Port in a Storm (1908)
Any Old Time at All (1906)
Anything is Nice if It Comes from Dixieland (1919)
Any Time (1921)
A Perfect Day (1920)
Apple Blossom Time (1920)
Apple Brewer's Reel
April Showers (1921)
Arabian Nights (1918-19)
Archibald MacDonald
Are You Afraid to Die?
Are You from Dixie (1915)
Are You Half the Man Your Mother Thought You'd Be (1916)
Are You Lonesome Tonight (1926)
Are You Sleeping? (Frere Jacques)
Are You Washed in the Blood? (1879)
Are You Tired of Me, My Darling/
Arkansas Sheik (1841)
Arkansas Traveler (1815, 1820s, 1851)
Army Mule in No Man's Land (1918)
Around Her Head She Wore a Yellow Ribbon (PD)
A-Roving (1876, 1887)
A-Roving on a Winter Night (1906)
Arrah, Go On, I'm Going to Go Back to Oreg(1916)
Arrah Wanna (1906)
Arthur Darley's Jig
The Ash Grove
Asheville Junction (1914)
As I Roved Out
As I Went Down to the Valley to Pray (1899)
Asleep in the Deep (1897)
As Long as the World Rolls On (1907)
Assembly Bugle Call
At a Georgia Camp Meeting (1897)
At a Mississippi Cabaret (1914)
At Dawning (1906)
A Tisket, A Tasket (1879)
Atlanta Blues
At Peace with the World (1926)
At Pierrot's Door
At the Ball, That's All (1913)
At the Cross (1885)
At the Devil's Ball (1913)
At the End of the Road (1924)
At the River (1865)
Au Clair de la Lune (1811)
Auld Lang Syne (1788)
Auld Robin Gray
Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party (1867)
Aunt Hagar's Children Blues (1921)
Aunt Rhody (1844)
Aura Lee (1861)
Au Reviore, But Not Goodbye (1917)
Avalon (1920)
Avalon Quickstep
Avondale Mine Disaster (>1864, 1921)
Awake, Awake, My Own True Lover
Awake Awake, You Drowsy Sleeper (1830)
Away in a Manger (1835)
Away, Haul Away
Away Idaho (1864)
Away in a Manger (1885)
Away Rio (1894)
Away with Rum (1921)
Aweigh Santy Ano
Axe Talking (1972 PD)
Aye Walking O (Aye Waking O) (TA)

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