O - PD Songs

A note on the stuff in parentheses: c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a  “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<”  as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I  usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name.  Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.

​Scroll to your heart's content.


Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow
O'Connell's Lamentation

OCarolan's Concerto

O'Carolan's Draught
Off to Sea Once More
Oft in the Stilly Night (1885)
Oh Bud
O Bury Me Beneath the Willow (1909)
O Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie (1901)
Oh, by Jingo, Oh by Gee, You're the Only Girl for Me (1919
O Can Ye Sew Cushions (1803)
O Come All Ye Faithful (1760)
Oh Come Emmanuel (800's)
Oh Dat Low Bridge (1885)
Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be? (1792)
Oh Death (1736)
Oh, Dem Golden Slippers (1879)
Oh, Didn't He Ramble (1902)

Oh, Didn't It Rain (1923)
Oh, Dry those tears (1901)
Oh Fair Thee Well, My Dearest Dear (1867)

Off She Goes
Oh, Freedom! (1899)
Oh, He's Taken my Feet (<1872)
O Holy Night (1847)

Oh Gee Oh Gosh Oh Golly I'm in Love (1923)
​Oh Honey, Where You Been So Long?

O How Could Ye Gang Lassie? (1821)
Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning (1918)

Oh How I Miss You Tonight (1924)
Oh Jerusalem
O Johnny Come Along to Hilo (1847)
Oh, Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh! (1917)
Oh Judy, Oh Judy (Child #23)

Oh Lady Be Good (1924)
Oh Lawdy Me, Oh Lawdy My
Oh Little Town of Bethlehem (18474)
Oh Lord, Hear My Prayer
Oh Lord, What a Morning
Oh, Love is Teasing (1905)

Oh Mabel (1924)
Oh Mary, Don't You Weep (1915)
Oh Marry in Time (1670s)
Oh My Darling Clementine (1884)

Oh, My Little Dutch Girl
Oh, No John, No (1883)
Oh Perfect Love (1904)
Oh Promise Me (1889)
Oh, Rocka My Soul (1867)
Oh, Sinner Man (1917)
Oh, Sinner, You Better Get Ready (1874)
Oh Steal Away (1887)
Oh, Susanna (1848)
Oh Tannenbaum (1799)
Oh, the Miller He Stole Corn (1804)
​Oh, Take Me Back
Oh, Those Tombs (late 1880s)
Oh Those Golden Slippers
Oh Waly, Waly (1714)
Oh, Wasn't that a Wide River
Oh, What a Beautiful City
Oh, What a Pal Was Mary (1919)
Oh, Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone (1864)
Oh, You Beautiful Doll (1911)
Oh, You Pretty Woman
Oil in My Vessel

O Katherina (1924)
O'Keefe's Slide
Old Account Settled
Old and Only in the Way (1880)
The Old Armchair (1880's)
The Old Ark's A'Movering (1874)
Old & Only in the Way (1880 PD)

The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago
Old Aunt Jenny with Her Nightcap On
Old Bangum (Child 18) (<1750)
Old Black Joe (1860)
Old Blair Store
Old Blue (1913)
Old Chisholm Trail (~1900)
The Old Churchyard
Old Colony Times (1804)

Old Country Stomp

Old Colony Times (1804)
Old Country Stomp

The Old Cowboy
Old Dan Tucker (1843)
Old Dog Tray (1853)
Old Dolores
Old Dumpty Moore

Old Fashioned Love (1923)

Old Folks at Home (1851)
Old Gospel Ship (1935 PD)
Old Grey Goose (1918)
Old Gray Mare (1918)
Old Hen
Old Hen Cackle (1923 PD)
Old Hundred (Doxology) (1560)
Old Jake Gillie
Old Jim Canan (?)
Old Jimmie Sutton
Old Joe Clark (1842)
Old Joe Dawson (<1900)
Old Johnny Booker (1800s)
Old Kentucky Home (1852)
Old King Cole (1776)

Old King Tut (1923)
Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly (1953 PD)
Old MacDonald Had a Farm (1917)
Old Maid's Song (1636)

Old Miss Hannah (1924)
Old Molly Hair (1881)
Old Oaken Bucket
The Old Lord by the Northern Sea (Child 10)
Old MacDonald Had a Farm (1917)
Old Maid
Old Maid's Song
The Old Man & the Door (Child #275)
Old Man at the Mill
The Old Man Below
Old Man Came Over the Moor (1733)
Old Man Dillon
Old Man in the Country (Child 10)

Old Man of the Sea
Old Miss Rag (1916)
Old Molly Hare (PD)
Old Mr. Fox (1810)
Old Oaken Bucket (1818)
Old Orange Flute (1895)
Old Paint
Old Rattler (1924 PD)
Old Reuben
Old Rosin the Bow (beau) (1835)
Old Rub Alcohol Blues
Old Rugged Cross (1915)
Old Settler's Song (1940 PD)
Old Sheep Done Know'd the Road (1874)
Old Ship of Zion
Old Shoes & Leggings
Old Sledge
Old Smokey (1911)
Old Spinning Wheel
Old Stepstone (1904)
Old Stormalong
Old Time Religion (1865)
Old Vacant Chair
Old Virginny
Old Whisker, the Moonshiner
The Old Woman & Her Little Pig (1784)
The Old Woman & the Devil (Child #278)
Old Zip Coon (1834)
Oleana (1854)

O Mary Don't You Weep, Don't You Mourn
Omie Wise (1874)
On a Hill Lone & Gray
Once I Had a Fortune (1847)

Once in a Blue Moon (1923)
One I Was Single (1867)

Once More A-Lumbering Go (1851)

One Alone (1926)
One & a Few
One Dime Blues
One Fishball (Meatball)(1862)

The One I Love belongs to Somebody Else (1924)
One More Kiss Before I Go (1871)
One More River to Cross (1874)
One Morning in May (1906)

One Hundred Years Ago
One Potato, Two Potato (1914)
On Erin's Green Shore (<1835)
One I Love
On Ikla Moor B'hat 'At (1917)
One Potato, Two Potato (1918)

Only a Rose (1925)
Only You
On My Way to Canaan's Land
O'Neill's March
One Little word
One Meat Ball
One Morning Soon
One More Day
One Morning in May
On Some Foggy Mountain Top (1916)
On Springfield Mountain (1836)
One Spring Morning

One two, Buckle My Shoe (1805)

Only Remembered

O No John
On Old Long Island's Sea-girl Shore​
On the Banks of the Ohio (1916)
On the Banks of the Old Tennessee
On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away (1897)
On the Dummy Line (1885)
On the Rock Where Moses Stood
Only a Friend
Only a Rose
Only a Soldier
​Only Remembered (1886)
On Miami Shore (19159)
On My Way to Canaan's Land
On Springfield Mountain (1836)
On the Banks of the Wabash (1897)
On the Beach at Wakiki (1915)

On the Mall (1923)
On the Road to Mandalay
On the Road to Home, Sweet Home (1917)
On the Rock Where Moses Stood
On Top of Old Smoky (1911)
On Top of Spaghetti (1974 PD)
Onward Christian Soldiers (1864)
Open Up Them Pearly Gates for Me

Opera Reel

O Perfect Love (1904)

Orange Grove in California (1923)
Original Dixiieland One Step (1917)
Orphan Child
Orphan Girl (1894)
Ory's Creole Trombone (1921)

O Tannenbaum (1824)
Other Side of Jordan

Otto Wood (1930 PD)
Our Boys Will Shine (TA)
Our Goodman (Child 274) (1776)
Outlandish Knight (Child 4)
Out on the Ocean

Out Where the Blue Begins (1923)
Over in the Glory Land (1906)
Over the Garden Wall
Over the Hills & Far Away (1709)
Over the Hills to the Poorhouse
Over There (1917)
Over There (Praties they Grow Small) (1895)
​Over the River & Through the Woods
Over the Waterfall
Over the Water to Charlie (1788)
Over the Waves
Ox-Driving Song (1860s)