H - PD Songs

A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
Scroll to your heart's content.
Hackberry Trot
Haigh Didil Dum
Hail Columbia (1798)
Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here (1908)
Hail to the Chief (1812)
Hail to the Spirit of Liberty (1900)
Hallelujah Chorus (1767)
Haul and Tow
The Half Hitch (1919)
Half Shaved (PD)
Half-Shaved Yuppie
Hallelujah, I'm a Bum (1909)
Hallelujah, I'm Ready
Hallelujah Side (1898)
Hallelujah, We Shall Rise (1904)
Half of It, Dearie, Blues (1924)
Hamilton County Breakdown
Handcart Song (1946 PD)
Hand Me Down My Walking Cane (1865)
Hands Across the Sear (1899)
Hand in Hand with Jesus
Handsome Cabin Boy (1800s)
Handsome Mary
Handsome Molly
The Hangman (Child #95)
Hang Me, Oh Hang Me
Hanging Johnny
Hangman (Child 95)
Hangman's Reel
Hannah, Won't You Open the Door (1904)
Happy Birthday (1896)
Happy Farmer (1849)
Happy Land (1838)
Happy or Lonesome
Happy Wanderer (<1975 PD)
Hard, Ain't It Hard? (1883)
Hard Hard Times (1905)
Hard-Hearted Hannah (1924)
Hard Times Come Again No More (1855)
Hard Working Miner (1859)
Hare in the Corn
Hares on the Mountain
Hark of All
Hark, Hark, the Dogs Do Bark (1844)
Hark the Herald Angels Sing (1739, 1840)
Harp that Once Was Through Tara's Walls (1750)
The Harp Without the Crown
Harrigan (1907)
The Harvard Student (1871)
Has Anybody Seen Kelly? (1909)
Haste to the Wedding
The Hat Father Wore (1876)
Haul Away Joe
Haul on the Bowline
Haunted House Blues
Haunted Wood
Haunting Rag (1911)
Hava Nagila (1915)
Have A Feast Here Tonight
Have Thine Own Way
Hawaiian Butterfly (1917)
Haymaker's Jig (1896)
The Hearse Song
Hear Jerusalem Moan
He Arose from the Dead (1883)
The Hearse Song (1923 PD)
Hearts and Flowers (1899)
Heart that was Broken for Me
Heave Away
Heave Away Me Johnnies
Heave Her Up & Bust Her (<1963 PD)
Heaven, Heaven
Heaven, Heaven, I Got a Robe
Heaven Is My Home (YA)
Heavenly Airplane (1920)
Heavenly Light is Shining on Me
Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl (1909)
Heave her Up & Bust Her
Heavy Hipted Woman (1935 PD)
Heave Away (1870)
Heaven Will Protect the Working Girl (1909)
Hector, the Hero
He'd Have to Get Out, Get Out & Get Under (1913)
He Is an Englishman 91878)
He Leadeth Me
Helena Polka
Heliotrope Bouquet (1907)
Hellbound train (1910)
Hello, Aloha, How Are You? (1926)
Hello, Bluebird (1926)
Hell Broke Loose in Georgia (1962 PD)
Hello Central, Give Me Heaven (1901)
Hello Central, Give Me No Man's Land (1918)
Hello Frisco (1915)
Hello Hawaii, How Are You? (1915)
Hello, Ma Baby (1899)
Hello, Stranger
Hell's Broke Loose in Georgia
He Loves It (1922)
He Never Came Back
He Never Said a Mumbling Word (1926)
Henhouse Door (Who Broke the Lock) 1894)
Henry Joy (1998 PD)
Henry Martin (<1825)
Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still (1860)
Here, Rattler, Here (1924 PD)
Here We Come A'Caroling
Here We Come A-Wassailing (1868)
Here We Go Looby Loo (187)
He's a Devil in His Own Home Town (1914)
He's an Englishman (1878)
He's a Rag Picker (1914)
He's Coming to Us Dead (1899)
He's Gone Away (1867)
He's a Hillbilly Gaucho
He's a Ragpicker (1914)
He's Got the Whole World in His Hands
Hey Ho, Nobody Home (1609)
He's In the Jailhouse Now (<1919)
Hesitation Blues (1915)
Hesitation Waltz (1914)
He's the Hottest Man in Town (1924)
He Will Set Your Fields on Fire
Hey, Betty Martin (1927 PD)
Hey Diddle Diddle (1844)
Hey Lilly Lilly Low (1927 PD)
Hiawatha (1903)
Hiawatha's Melody of Love (1920)
High Society March (1901)
Hickory Dickery Dock
Hick's Farewell (1855)
Hickman's Rag
Hieland Laddie (1876)
The High Mach
The Hidden Pearl
Higher Ground (1898)
Hide You in the Blood
High Germany
High Society (1901)
The Highway Man (PD)
High Road to Linton
High Yellow
Hilarity Rag
Hills of Mexico (unk PD)
Hills of Roan County
Hinky Dinky Parlez Vous (1919)
Hind Horn (Child #17)
Hindustan (1918)
Hiram Hubbard (1860s)
His Eye is on the Sparrow (1905)
Hit and Miss (1650)
Hitchy Koo (1912)
HMS Pinafore
Hobart's Transformation
Hobby Horse
A Hobo's Life (1800)
Hog Drovers (1898)
Hog-eye Man (1922)
Hog Molly
Hog on the Mountain
Hold Fast to the Light
Hod 'im, Joe (1907)
Holding My Savior's Hand
Hold My Hand, Lord Jesus
Hold On
Hold to God's Unchanging Hand
Hold that Woodpile Down (1877)
Hold to God's Unchanging Hand
Holly and the Ivy (c 1700, 1871)
Holy City (1892)
Holy Ground Once More (1951 PD)
Holy, Holy, Holy (1861)
Home Again (TA)
Home Brew Rag (1929 PD)
Home, Dearie, Home (1904)
Home in Pasadena (1923)
Home in that Rock (1909
Home on the Range (1873)
Home, Sweet Home (1823)
Home Sweet Home Waltz
Homeward Bound (1845)
Honest and Truly (1924)
Honest Farmer
An Honest Irish Lad
Honey Babe Blues
Honey, I'm Waiting (1905)
Honey in the Rock (1927 PD)
The Honeymoon
Honeysuckle and the Bee (1901)
Honeysuckle Time (1916)
Honey, Take a Whiff on Me (1928 PD)
Honor! Honor!
Hooka Tooka
Hooking Cow Blues (1917)
Hoosier Stomp
Hop Along Peter (1875)
Hop High
Hop, Hop, Hop
Hop Up My Ladies, the Cake's All Dough
The Horn of the Hunter
Ho Ro, My Nut Brown Maiden (TA)
Horse Named Bill (1927 PD)
Horses (1926)
Horse Trader's Song
Horsey, Keep Your Tail Up (1923)
House Carpenter (Child 243) (1837‚
House of David Blues
House of the Rising Sun
Housewife's Lament
Hot Corn, Cold Corn
Hot Cross Buns
Hot Lips (1922)
Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight (1896)
House Carpenter (Child 243)
House of the Rising Sun (1923 PD)
Housewife's Lament (1873)
Howard's Dead & Gone
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
How Can I Keep from Singing? (1868)
How Come You Like Me Like You Do (1924)
Howdy, Howdy
How'd You Like to Spoon with Me (1905)
How Great Thou Art (1885)
How Long Blues (1928 PD)
How Many Biscuits Can You Eat? (1928 PD)
How Many Times (1926)
How the Money Rolls In (1927 PD)
How You Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm (1919)
How I Wish They'd Do It Now (1868)
Huckleberry Hunting
Hudson River Steamboat (1855)
Hugh O'Donnell
Hudson River Steamboat
Hull's Victory
Humble Farmer (1924 PD)
Humoresque (1894, 1940 -PD)
Humpty Dumpty
Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall (1910)
A Hundred Years on the Eastern Shore (1927 PD)
Hungarian Rhapsody
Hungry Hash House (r 1926)
Hunters of Kentucky (1822)
Hunt Theme (Tantivy, Tantivy) (1782)
Hurry Up, Harry (?)
Husband with No Courage in Him (1701‚
Hush-a-Bye Baby
Hush Little Baby, Don't You Cry (1918)
Hush My Babe, Lie still & Slumber (1815)
Hush! Somebody's Callin' My Name
Husky Dusky Day (1961 - unk)
Hyde Park (1650)

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