R - PD Songs
A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
Scroll to your heart's content.

Rabbit in a Log (1913)
Rabble Soldier (1908)
Rachel Roe
Racoon & Possum (1840's)
Raccoon's Got a Bushy Tail (1917)
Raggedy Ann (1923)
Ragging the Scale (1915)
Ragged but Right
Raggle Taggle Gypsies
Raging Canal (1851)
Rag Pat (1890s)
Rag Pickings (1911)
Ragtime Annie (c 1900)
Ragtime Cowboy Joe (1912)
Ragtime Millionaire
Railroad Bill (1911)
Railroad Blues (1934 PD)
Railroading & Gambling (1940 PD)
Rain and Snow (1960 PD)
Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder (?)
Railroad Bill
Railroad Blues (1920)
Railroading & Gambling (?)
Railroading through the Rocky Mountains
The Railway Porter
The Rainbow Division
Raindrops (?)
Rain, Rain, Go Away (1940 PD)
Rain & Snow
Raise a Ruckus Tonight
Rake & Rambling Boy (1830)
Rakes of Mallow (1839)
Rally "Round the Flag (1862)
The Rambler
Rambling Blues
Rambling Boy
Rambling, Gambling Man (1915)
Rambling Hobo
Rambling on My Mind (?)
Rambling Woman
Randall, My Son (1787)
Randy Dandy
Range of the Buffalo (early 1900s)
Ranger's Command (1947 PD)
Randy Riley (Child 278)
Ranky Tanky
Ranzo, Me Boys, Ranzo (1882)
Rastus Johnson Brown
Rattling Bog (1877)
Rattlin' Cannonball
Razors in the Air (late 1800s)
Reaching for the Moon (1926)
Real Old Mountain Dew
Rebel Soldier (1918)
The Recruited Collier
Red Apple Juice (1927 PD)
Red Apple Rag
Red Bird
Red Haired Boy
Red Hot Fannie
Red Hot Mama (1924)
Red Is the Rose (1980 PD)
Red Light Saloon
Red Mountain Wine
Red River Shore (1867)
Red River Valley (1910)
Red Rocking Chair (1927 PD)
Red, White & Blue (Green Grow the Lilacs) (1846)
Red Wing (1907)
The Reedy Lagoon
Reel Beatrice (late 1800s)
Reel La Pointe
Reel La Pointe
Remember (1925)
Remembering (1923)
Remember Me
Remember the Alamo (1840)
The Restless Dead I(Child #78)
The Resurrected Sweetheart (Child #78)
Return to Milltown
Reuben (1909)
Reuben and Rachael (1871)
Reuben James (?)
Reuben Ranzo (1842)
Reuben, Reuben (1871)
Reuben's Train (1927 PD)
Revolutionary Tea
Richmond Blues
Richmond Is a Hard Road to Travel
Richland Woman Blues (1963 PD)
Rich Old Lady
Rich Old Miser
Rickett's Hornpipe
The Riddle Song (Child #1) (1430)
Riddles Wisely Expounded (Child #1) (1680)
Ride an Old Paint (1927 PD)
Ride Around, Little Dogies
Ride On, King Jesus
Ride the Chariot
Riding a Maverick
Riding in a Chevrolet 6
Riding in the Buggy
Riding "Round the Cattle
Right Now Blues (PD)
Rights of Man (<1886)
The Rigs of Rye
Riley & Spenser
Ring Around the Rosy (1881)
Ring, Ring the Banjo
Ring the Bell, Watchman (1865)
Rio Grande
Ripest Apple (1952 PD)
A Ripping Trip (1858)
Rise and Shine (1884)
Rise Up Shepherd & Follow (1867)
Rise When the Rooster Crows (?)
Rising Sun Blues
Rising of the Moon (1867)
Rising River
Rising Sun Blues
Rissolty Rossolty (Child 277) (1858)
Riu Riu Chiu (1500s)
The River (?)
Riverboat Shuffle (1925)
River Driving (w1916, m1990)
The River Lea
River of Jordan
River of Life (mid 1800s)
Rivers of Texas (1942 PD)
The Road to Boston
Road to Lisdoonvarna
Roaming in the Gloaming (1911)
Robber Hood's Dyin' (Child #120)
Roberta (1944 PD)
Robin Adair (1750)
Robin & John (Child #125)
Robin Hood
Robin Hood & Little John (Child #125)
Robin Hood & the Bishop of Hereford (Child 144)
Robin Hood Rescuing 3 Squires (Child #140)
Robin Hood & the Bold Pedlar (Child 132)
Robin Hood & the Monk (Child #119)
Robin Hood & the Old Maid (Child #240)
Robin Hood & the Old Woman (Child #140)
Robin Hood & the Potter (Child #121)
Robin Hood & the Tanner (Child 126)
Robin Hood & the 20 Pounds of Gol (Child 119)
Robin Hood's Death (Child #120)
Rochester Schottische
Rock About My Saro Jane (1927 PD)
Rock-a-Bye Baby in the Tree Top (1765, 1784)
Rock-a-Bye My Baby Blues (1924)
Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody (1918)
Rocka My Soul (1867)
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep (1859)
Rocking the Babies to Sleep (?)
Rock Island Line (early 1900s?)
Rock of Ages (1838)
Rocks & Gravel
Rock & Wee Pickle Tow
Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep (1849)
Rocks of Bawn
Rock the Cradle, Joe
Rocky Island
Rocky Mountain Goat
Rocky Road
Rocky Road to Dublin (<1867)
Roddy McCorley (1798)
Roger's Gray Mare (1870s)
Roll, Alabama, Roll (>1864)
Roll and Go (1914)
Roll, Jordan, Roll
Roll On, Little Dogies (1893)
Roll the Old Chariot Along (1901)
Rolling Down to Old Maui (1858)
Rolling Home
Rolling Sea
The Rolling Waves
Roll Me Over in the Clover (PD)
Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms (r 1927 P))
Roll On, Buddy
Roll On, Little Doggies, Roll On (1893)
Roll on the Ground (1899)
Roll the Cotton Down
Roll the Old Chariot Along (1901)
Roll the Woodpile Down
Roll Your Leg Over
Romping Rosie (1910)
Root Hog or Die (<1812)
The Rosebud Blooms but Once
Rosebud Two Step & March (1905)
Rose Connolley (<1811)
Rose Division
Rose in the Mountain
Rose Marie (1924)
Rosemary Lane (?)
Rose of Allendale (1843)
Rose of Sharon
Rose of Tralee (1883)
Rose of Washington Square (1919, 1920)
Rose Room (1918)
Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue (1784)
Roses of Picardy (1916)
Rosewood Casket (1870)
Rosin the Bow (1835)
Rothsay-O (1904)
Round Cape Horn (1819)
Rounding the Horn
Round My Back Door, Selling Coal
Round the Corn
Round the Corner, Sally
Roundup in the Spring (1926 PD)
The Route (early 1800s)
Roving Cowboy
The Roving Cunningham (?)
Roving Gambler (1915)
Row, Bullies, Row
Row, Row, Row (1912)
Row, Row, Row Your Boat (1852)
Royal Garden Blues (1919)
Ruba Dub Dub (1797)
Rub Alcohol Blues
Rubber Dolly (1910)
Rue & Thyme
Rueben (1909?)
Rueben & Rachel (1871)
Rueben's Train (<1898)
Rule Britannia (1740)
Rum By Gum (1921)
Run (unk)
Run, Boy, Run
Run Come See Jerusalem
Run Mountain
Run, Nigger, Run (1850)
Run On
Rurey Bain (Child #18)
Run Mourner, Run
Run, Nigger, Run (1851)
Running Down to Cuba
Rustle of Spring (1896)
Ruth's Rag
Rye Straw (1924 PD)
Rye Whiskey (early 1900s)

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