P-Q - PD Songs

A note on the stuff in parentheses: c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a  “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<”  as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I  usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name.  Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.

​Scroll to your heart's content.


Pace-Egging Song (1846)
Packing up, Getting Ready (1973 PD)
Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit Bag (1915)

Paddlin' Madeleine Home (1925)
Paddy Doyle's Boots (1909)
Paddy in London
Paddy Lay Back (1898)
Paddy on the Canal (1853)
Paddy on the Turnpike (1733)
Paddy on the Railway (1846)
Paddy Ryan's Dream
Paddy's Lament
Paddy West
Paddy Works on the Railway (1927 PD)
Pagan Love Song
Palm Leaf Rag (1903)
Palms of Victory (1836)
The Pale Ring (Child #17)
Palesteena (1920)
Pal of Mine (1905)

Pal of My Cradle Days (1925)

Pal That I Loved Stole the Gal That I Loved (1924)
Panama (1911)
The Panic is On
The Pants My Pappy Gave to Me
Papa's Billy Goat
Paper of Pins (1826)
Parade of the Wooden Soldiers (1911)

Parade of the Wooden Soldiers (1922)
Paresis Reel
The Paris Waltz

Parisian Pierot (1924)
Parry Sound Reel
The Parley Vine (Child #2)
The Parting Glass (c.1770)
Passion Flower Hornpipe
Pass Me Not

Pastime Rag #1 (TA)
Patapan (1720)
​Pat, Do This

The Pathway to the Well
Pat Malone
Pat Malone Forgot that He Was Dead (1893)
Pat Murphy of Meagher's Brigade
Patrick Spenser (Child #58)
The Patriots
Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man (1698)
Patty on the Turnpike
Patty Roller's Song (1851)

Paul & Silas (1927)
Paul Jones (early 1800s)
Paul Revere's Ride (1905)
Paul & Silas
Pat Works on the Railway
Payday at Coal Creek (1928 PD)
Pay Me My Money Down (1944 PD)

Peacock's Feather
Peacock Rag (~1900)

Pearls (1923)
Pearly Dew
Pearly Gates

Peas Porridge Hot (1765)
Peatbog Soldiers (1933 PD)
Peavine Blues (?)
Peddler & His Wife (1800s)
Peg & Awl (r 1921)

Peggy Gordon (1916)
Peggy O'Neil (1921)
Peg of My Heart (1913)

Penitentiary Blues
Pesky Sarpent (1836)
Peter Gray (1859)
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin-Eater (1797)
Pharoah's Army

Pick a Bale of Cotton (1933 PD)
Picture from Life's Other Side (1896)
Pictures from Life's Other Side
Picture on the Wall
Pig Ankle Rag (?)
Pigeon on the Gate
The Pig Got Up & Slowly Walked Away(late 1800s)
Pig in a Pen (1937 PD)
Pigtown Fling
Pike County Breakdown
​Pike's Peak
Pilgrim's Song (Wayfaring Stranger)
​Pinch of Snuff

Pine Dreams
Pinery Boy (<1837)
The Pitman's Courtship
Pity Poor Laborers (<1855)
Pity the Poor Seaman (1833)
The Plains of Mexico
Plains of Waterloo
Planxty Erwin

Planxty Fannie Po'er
Planxty George Brabazon
Plastic Jesus (1964 PD)
Play a Simple Melody (1914)

Play Gypsies, Dance Gypsies (1926)

Play that Barbershop Chord (1910)
Pleasant & Delightful (1841)
Please, Mommy, Please
Po Black Sheep
The Police Come & I Didn't Went to Go
Police Dog Blues
Polly, Put the Kettle On (1809)
Polly Vaughn (late 1700s)
Polly Wolly Doodle (1885)
Pont de Avignon (1846)
Poor Boy
Poor Boy Long Way From Home
Poor Butterfly (1916)
Poor Casey
Poor Cotton Weaver (1770s)
Poor Ellen Smith (>1893))
Poor Laz'rus (1934 PD)
Poor Little Jesus
Poor Little Orphan Boy
Poor Lonesome Cowboy
Poor Miss Liza Jane

Poor Mourner (r 1902)
Poor Old Horse
Poor Old Maids (1876)
Poor Orphan Child
Poor Paddy (1854-56)

Poor Papa, He Ain't Got Nothing at All (1926)
Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow
Poor Soldier (1860s)
Poor Tramp Has to Live (1926 PD)
Poor Wayfaring Pilgrim (1780s)
Pop, Goes the Weasel (1853)

Portland County Jail (1927 PD)
Postman's Lament
The Potter & Robin Hood (Child #121)
Powder River
Praise God from Who All Blessings Flow (1560)
Praties Grows Small (1844 +?)

Pratt City Blues

Prayer Bells of Heaven
Preacher and the Bear (~1905)
Preacher and the Slave (1911)
Preacher in the Pulpit (1922)
Preachin' Blues (?)
Precious Memories

President Garfield's Reel
Pretty Baby (1916)
Pretty Fair Maid (1822)

Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody (1919)
Pretty Girl Milking Her Cow (1835)
Pretty Mohee (1847)
Pretty Polly (1856)
Pretty Red Shoes
Pretty Saro (1911)
The Price of Freedom
Prickly Bush (Child 95)
The Priest  & the Nuns
President Garfield's Hornpipe
Prettiest Little Girl in the Country
Pretty Baby (1916)
Pretty Crowing Chicken (Child 248)

Pretty Fair Maid (1822)
Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody (1919)
Pretty Girl, Milking Her Cow (1835)
Pretty Little Dog
Pretty Little Miss
Pretty Little Willow
Pretty Peggy-O (1600s)
Pretty Polly (early 1500s)
Pretty Saro (1911)
The Prickle Holly Bush (Child 95)

Prince of Wails (1924)
The Prisoner's Dream (?)

Prisoner's Song (1924)
Prodigal Son (PD)
The Pucker Street Song
Pull for the Shore (1873)
Pump Shanty
Punching Dough (1922)
Punch Ladle (1899)

Pure Religion
The Purple Dress (Child #173)
Purple Rose of Cairo (1920)

Put Away a Little Golden Ray of Sunshine (1924)
Put in De Golden Shoes (1881)
Put on Your Old Grey Bonnet (1909)
Put On Your Old Red Flannels
Put My Little Shoes Away (1873)
Putting on the Style (1917)
Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey (1910)

Quaker's Courtship (1856)
Quare Bungle Rye (1869)
Queen Eleanor's Confession (Child #156) (1723)
Queen Jane (Child #170) (1776)
Queensland Overlanders
The Queenstown Warning

Quilting Party (1885)
The Quilting Party (1856)
Quit Kicking My Dog Around

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