F - PD Songs

A note on the stuff in parentheses: “c” = circa, “r” = recorded (which doesn't mean copyrighted or "first written"; that may have happened well before), "TA" = Traditional Anonymous. “<” = before, and “>” = after. For instance, a song about a train wreck that happened in 1909 might have a “>” after the date because no one would have written about an event that had not yet occurred (duh). A song found in a book published in 1857 might have a “<” as we know the song was known at least by that date. If you see a date after 1923 followed by "PD", it means the song was apparently known for a long while, but not recorded or put into a song books until the date cited. In most of these cases, the name of the writer was never recorded or is now lost. Or perhaps a name was given that was only a good guess and cannot be proven or dis-proven. An acute observer may notice a disproportionate number of 1927 dates. This is the year Carl Sandburg published his "American Songbag", a cornucopia of old American songs. A question mark (?) means I suspect it belongs in this list, but am less than sure. Whenever I found a choice of two dates, which was frequent, I usually cite the older one. A few songs well-known by multiple names are entered under each name. Many are known by multiple names, by first line or by repeated phrases. If you do not find what you want on the first try, think outside the box, as it may be here under a variant of the name you know.
Scroll to your heart's content.
Face to Face That I Shall Know Him
Faded Coat of Blue (1865)
Faded Flowers
Faded Love Letters (1923)
Fair & Tender Hearted Ladies
Fair Annie
Fair Ellender (Child 78) (1677)
Fair Fanny Moore
Fair Flower of Northumberland (Child #9)
Fair Harvard
Fair Lady of the Plains (<1893)
Fair Maid in the Garden (1822)
Fair Maid on the Shore
Fair Margaret & Sweet William (Child 78)
Fair Thee Well, Enniskillen
Fairy Lullaby
Fairy Moonlight
Fair Nottamun Town (1865)
Fair Young Mary (TA)
Fairy's Love Song
Fairy Lullaby (TA)
Fairy Moonlight (TA)
Fairy's Love Song ((TA)
Faithful Soldier (<1866)
Faith of Our Fathers
Fallen Leaf (1922)
The Fall of Charleston
False-Hearted Knight (Child 4)
False-Hearted Lover (PD)
The False Knight Upon the Road (Child #3) (1827)
False Lover
Famine Song
Fandango (1774, 1874)
Fannie Blair (TA)
Far Above Cayuga's Waters (1860)
Fare Thee Well Oh Honey
Far Away, Far Away (TA)
Fare Thee Well, Molly Darling (1902)
Farewell (La Partita) (1907)
Farewell Blues (1923)
Farewell (La Partita) (1907)
Farewell Frances (1830)
Farewell My Overcoat
Farewell My Own Sullivan (TA)
Farewell Nancy (1873)
Farewell Princeton
Farewell Since All is Over
Farewell Through the Puddle (TA)
Farewell to Erin
Farewell to Grog
Farewell to Happiness (TA)
Farewell to Nova Scotia (~1910)
Farewell to Old Bedford
Farewell to Old Ireland
Farewell to Summer
Farewell to Tarwathie (1800's)
Farewell to the Forest (1890)
Farewell to Whiskey
Far, Far Away
The Farmer & the Devil (Child #278)
Farmer Feeds Us All (1876)
Farmer Gray
The Farmer in the Dell (1883)
The Farmer is the Man
Farmer's Curst Wife (Child 278)
The Farmer's Son & the Shantyboy (1902)
The Farmyard
Farmyard Blues (1917)
Farrell O'Gara
Farther Along (1922)
Fascination Waltz (1905)
Fascinator (TA)
Fas Fas World
The Fatal Wedding
Fate of the Cumberland Crew (1865)
Father, Father, Come Home with Me Now (1864)
Father, Get Ready
Father's Whiskers (<1973 PD)
Fathom the Bowl (1889)
Fat Tuesday
Favorite (1904)
Feather Your Nest (1920)
Feather Your Next
Feel Like a Motherless Child (1901)
Felicity Rag (1911)
Felix Rag (TA)
The Fella Who Looks Just Like Me
Female Affability
Female Sailor (1706)
Fenario (1600s)
The Fency King & the English King (Child #156)
Fest March (TA)
Fete Champetre (1777)
Few Days (1854)
Few More Years
The FFV (>1890)
Fiddle and I
Fiddle Dee Dee (1765)
Fiddle Faddle (TA)
Fiddler's Dram
Fidgety Feet (1918, 1926)
Fido Is a Hot Dog Now (1914)
Field of Monteray (TA)
Fields in Spring (TA)
Fifteen Men on A Deadman's Chest (1915)
Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal
Fifty Cents (1881)
Fig for a Kiss
Fig Leaf Rag (1908)
Fighting On
Fig Leaf Rag (1908)
Fill the Glass
Fine Companion (1650)
Fine Flowers in the Valley (TA)
The Fine Lady Gay (Child #79)
Fine Times at our House
Finnegan's Wake (<1861)
Fireball Mail
Fire Down Below (1890)
Fire Marengo
Fireman, Save My Child (1927 PD)
Fire on the Mountain (1825)
The Fire Ship (1612)
First Call
First Day of Christmas (1780)
First Kiss at Parting
First Noel (1833)
First of April (1773)
First of May
First Whippoorwill
The Fisherman's Girl (1852)
Fisherman's Lassie
Fisherman's Wife
Fishing Blues (1911 PD)
Fish Upon the Hook
Fisher's Hornpipe (1786)
Five Foot Two, Eyes of Blue (1925)
Five Hundred Miles (1909)
Five Little Brown Jugs
Five Miles from Gundagai (1954 PD)
Fizz Water (TA)
Flanagan (1892)
Flee as a Bird (TA)
Flim-a-lim-a-lee (Child 2)
Fling (TA)
Float Away (TA)
Floating Along (1906)
Flora (1735)
Flora MacDonalds Lament (TA)
The Floral Dnce (1911)
Floreine Waltz
Florella (late 1800s)
Flower from the Fields of Alabama
The Flower of Finae
The Flower of Magherally
Flowers of Edinburgh (<1804))
Flowers in the Valley (TA)
Flowers of the Vale (TA)
Flowers that Bloom in the Spring (TA)
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton (1838)
Fly and the Bumblebee (1740)
Fly Around, My Pretty Little Miss (1917)
Flying Arrow (1906)
The Flying Cloud (1894)
Flying Trapeze (1868)
The Foggy Dew (1689, 1700)
Foggy Foggy Dew (1700)
Foggy Mountain Top
Fol-the-Rol-Lol (1902)
Follow Me Up to Carlow
Follow the Swallow (1924)
Fond Affection (1906)
Fond is the Memory (TA)
Fooba Wooba John (1609)
The Foolish Boy
Footfalls on De Carpet (1864)
Footprints in the Snow (1893)
Footprints on the Dashboard (1964 PD)
Foot Traveler (TA)
Foot Warmer (1914)
Forever's a Long Long Time (1916)
Forgotten (1894)
For Bales (1864)
For He's a Jolly Good Fellow (1783)
For Me and My Gal (1917)
For My Sweetheart (1926)
Forked Deer
Forsaken Love
For Seven Long Years
For the Beauty of the Earth (1864)
Forth to the Battle (TA)
Fortune Teller (1898)
Forty-Five Minutes from Broadway (1905)
Forty Nine Bottles (1400s -w, <1900 - m)
Forty Years Ago
Four Kings March (1901)
Four Marys (17900
Four Nights Drunk (1876)
Fourpence a Day (TA)
For You, a Rose (1917)
For You - Smith (TA)
The Fox and the Goose (1809)
Fox Chase
The Fox Hunter
The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night (1810)
France Blues (PD)
Frankie & Johnny (1869, 1904)
Franklin Expedition (1861)
Free America (TA)
Free at Last
Freedom's Home (TA)
Free Lance (1906)
Freighting from Wilcox to Globe
Freight Train (1905?)
Frere Jacque (1811)
Frisco Frazzle (1912)
Frog, He Would A'Courting Go (1509)
Frog Went A'Courtin' (1580)
From Aberdeen (1698)
From the Indies to the Andes in His Undies (?)
From the Land of Sky Blue Water (1909)
Frosty Morn
Frozen Logger
The Funeral
Funiculi Finicula (1880)
Funny Folks (TA)
Funny When You Feel that Way

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